Open Letter to President Buhari on His Unfulfilled Promise to Revive Ajaokuta Steel Company

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Dear President Muhammadu Buhari,

I honestly pray that, this “Letter of Reminder” coming from one of your staunch supporters as well as a true believer in good governance and progress of Nigeria, named Haruna Usman (Esq.), will get to you through whatever means and will also meet you in your most relaxed, good and reflective moments.

First and foremost, my decision to pen down these few lines of mine which is meant to draw your attention to an area of your promise which I consider as cardinal and pivotal to your electoral successes, in 2015 general elections, but particularly in 2019 general elections, is borne out of the fact thus; firstly, I am one of your staunch supporters who believe that, promises made, must be kept.

Secondly, I hail from the state where the most giant of iron ore and steel deposits is situated, Kogi State. And thirdly, as a strong believer in the progress of Nigeria I deem it necessary to draw your attention to this particular promise you made to Kogites and indeed, Nigerians. 

I am not unaware that, giving your daily tight and busy schedules, you are prone to forgetting some of your electoral promises, hence I have personally undertaken to remind you via this platform and I do hope that, such a promise is not too late for you to honour considering the fact that, you have barely two years to the end of your tenure in office.

Your Excellency, Sir, you will recall that during the 2015 electioneering campaigns, your campaigns was hinged on three major electoral promises; to fight Insecurity, to fight against corruption and to diversified the economy by revamping our agricultural sector and Iron ore and Steel sectors too.

Your Excellency, Sir, you will also recall that, you consciously and conscientiously too, recapped the grand finale of your 2019 presidential campaigns when you elegantly stormed Lokoja, Kogi state capital  in which you were received by sea of heads at the Lokoja stadium. As one of your staunch supporters, I had traveled all the way from Abuja to Lokoja in order to witnessed and see my so much admired President on that fateful day. You will recall that, you restated the promise to revamp Ajaokuta Iron ore and Steel company almost at the tail end of making your campaign promises here at the Lokoja stadium, Kogi State on the said day.

Expectedly, a very loud and deafening chorus of “Sai Baba” had rented the air immediately after you made mention of revamping the Iron ore and Steel giant company, AJASTEEL. This particular electoral promise is to say the least, one of the major reasons for the unprecedented votes casted in your favour at the 2019 presidential elections.

Your Excellency, Sir, while majority of Nigerians may quickly find a common ground to agree that indeed, you have made a considerable achievements with respect to fight against corruption, fight against insurgency, and revamping of our agricultural sector, same can hardly be said about your commitments towards revamping our Iron Ore and Steel sector which Ajaokuta Iron and Steel Company maintains the highest deposits of. 

Your Excellency, Sir, after a due diligence of investigations, I was made to understand the fact that, Ajaokuta Iron ore and Steel company is revivable. And that, Russia which birthed the construction of this giant Iron ore and Steel company in the first place is willing to fixed it, even though there may be some international politics playing underneath.

May I humbly state here that, I have the strong believe that, if the Second Niger bridge could be fixed, Ajaokuta Iron Ore and Steel can be fixed too, likewise if our comatosed rail lines can be revamped, there is nothing that can stop your administration from revamping Ajaokuta Iron Ore and Steel company too. After all, Ajaokuta Iron Ore and Steel holds much more economic viability and potentials than some of our so called national assets.

Even though, you have spent more than half of your last tenure in office so far, I still do believe the fact that, with the kind of zeal, political will and determination which you have shown in revamping rail way and other sectors, if same is shown with respect to revamping Ajaokuta Iron Ore and Steel company, it will be accomplished before you left office come 2023.

They say, “it is better to be late than never”; our dear Mr President, I beseech you in the most respectful and humble manner to revamp Ajaokuta Iron Ore and Steel company as it will go a long way in reducing the menace of insecurity in all its facet.

Security Experts have unanimously agreed that, insecurity in Nigeria and indeed, in all other parts of the world is mostly fueled by lack of jobs opportunities for the youths being the prime age of any country’s economy.

May I humbly submit that, I sincerely look forward to seeing your commitments toward revamping Ajaokuta Iron Ore and Steel company. This is my last wish of you and I do hope that, it will be considered.

Your Excellency, Sir, just as always, you have my highest confidence and trust in your good leadership qualities and your unmistakeable poise to get Nigeria and Nigerians out of the woods.

May you succeed, may the Federal Republic of Nigeria succeeds, Amen. 

– Haruna Usman (Esq.) writes from Lokoja, Kogi State.

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