Mass Sack: Kogi Labour Leaders Back-out of Screening Exercise, Issues Notice of Strike Action

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The leaders of organized labour in Kogi state have pulled out their representatives in the workers’ screening committee due to what it described as antics of the state government to massively downsize the workforce.

Arising from a meeting held in lokoja yesterday, the leaders of NLC, TUC and PSJNC resolved ro embark on strike action if the state government fail to do the right thing.
Labour declared that the purported list of ‘cleared’ Local Government workers sent to the councils are not know to the labour and should be withdrawn within 24 hours.
The labour leaders also demanded that the chairman of them screening committee, Brigadier General Paul Olushola Okuntimo (Rtd.) be removed with immediate effect because he lacks capacity, morality and integrity to deliver on such a sensitive assignment.
Labour queried the integrity of the Yahaya Bello-led government on the recently released bailout fund. The leaders asked why the government is yet to come up with the bailout implementation committee as stipulated by the Federal Government and Central Bank of Nigeria.
“The state government is deceiving workers and public because of her ulterior motives.
“Labour is not unaware of the deceit of government to massively retrench the state workers, local government workers and primary school teachers and also reduce the numbers of pensioners through the so called ‘first list’.
Labour issued a 7-day ultimatum to the state government to meet stated demands and vowed to embark on strike action if government fails.
NLC Bulletine May 2016

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