Kogi NLC Chairman Declared ‘Ghost Worker’

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The Organised Labour in Kogi yesterday raised the  alarm over reports emanating from the staff verification exercise set up by government, saying the state chairman of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Comrade Onuh Edoka is amongst those purportedly declared as ‘ghost workers’.

The organised Labour comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC) and Joint Negotiating Council (JNC), at a press conference in Lokoja, faulted reports of the screening exercise which they described as ‘antics by the state government to massively downsize the workforce’.

The state Chairman of TUC, Comrade Ojo Ranti, who spoke on behalf of the Organised Labour, called on the government to withdraw the purported list of ‘cleared’ local government workers sent to the various councils within 24 hours as that was not known to Labour.

Credit: Daily Trust

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