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Why ‘Malik Standard’ Deserves State and National Awards

By Zacchaeus Ozovehe. Some years back, the name Abdullahi Abdulmalik a.k.a Malik Standard was only in circulation in Onyukoko in Okene Local Government Area of Kogi...

Standard Nursery and Primary School, Onyukoko: Open Letter to the Kogi State Commissioner for Education

As a concerned citizen of our dear state, it behooves us to contribute, in our own way, to the development and advancement of education in the area we live in. Hon....

Standard Nursery Primary School Okene Best in Kogi State – Assessment Group

Results of the Education Assessment Group, also known as Educational Task Force (ETF), has shown that pupils in LGEA Standard Nursery Primary School, Onyukoko Okene are...

Our Survey Reveals FG Textbooks for Public Schools in Kogi Were Diverted – El-Okene

Secretary General Ebira Youth Peace/Educational Development Initiative, Comrade Adabara Abduljelil El-Okene, has called on Kogi State government to initiate...

Kogi Governor Rewards Outstanding Pupils

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State on Wednesday rewarded 15 pupils of LGEA Demonstration Standard Nursery and Primary School, Onyukoko, Okene LGA of the state for...