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The Red Valentine

Today, many years ago, a highly influential man died for acting against the order of the day. He died because of his stand on a truth. He lived sacrificially to enshrine...

Lessons From the Lockdown (4): Digital System is the New Norm

Digitization is gradually becoming the ideal method to embrace in living our daily lives. Mankind have been created to be relational and this is the reason communication...

Lessons from the Lockdown (3): Crisis Can Make or Break a Person

Within this lockdown, there have been a lot of discussions and deductions at various levels. Some talk about the uncertainty of the pandemic, the shook to humanity,...

Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu 2019: The Cap Fits Wemi Jones!

Cap represents authority and power because it covers the head that contain thoughts. Whereas, thoughts determine a man’s direction in life. Different caps signify...