Lessons from the Lockdown (3): Crisis Can Make or Break a Person

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Within this lockdown, there have been a lot of discussions and deductions at various levels. Some talk about the uncertainty of the pandemic, the shook to humanity, conspiracy theory, biological weaponry, disruptive living, technocracy, end time, the new world order, post covid era, 5G technology or experiment that went wrong etc.

Obviously, this season has been with mixed feelings. Some championed new ideas; (offline in form of nose mask, philanthropy, solidarity, and online in form of sensitisation, trainings and other virtual effects). Some people connected with new platforms, networked with family and friends, saw new “light” or have been indoors to experience a lot that have always been excused away; like family bonding, reading of books, good rest , workout, disciplines in relation to faith and re-strategizing towards half -time or the days/ years ahead.

However, there have been painful side of the lockdown, in form of economic hardship, physical restrictions, hunger strike, panic buying, suicides, depression, rape, domestic violence, daylight robbery and some other abuse of human rights. Thousands lost their lives due to the pandemic and some lost their loved ones for similar or different reasons, though some survived the corona virus infection.

One among many lessons or observations is that; the lockdown was due to the pandemic which, actually caused the rising of some and the falling of another. More so, some things that are uncelebrated, rare or unacceptable before suddenly became the compulsory norms e.g home schooling, virtual learning or conferences, faith gathering within individual homes, etc. The bottom line is this, just like the same letter in Chinese language means two things; crisis or opportunities, the lockdown have its good side and it’s painful side.

– Isaac K. Obajemu writes from Kogi State.

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