Professor Yemi Osinbajo, A True Patriot at 63

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History would not be kind to us and our generation if today passed by without joining every well meaning Nigerian worldwide to celebrate one of the best scholars and a humanitarian this country have ever produced, the man I regarded as an icon and a philosopher of modern Nigeria.

I may not want to say much about him knowing fully well the fact that he is a man known far and near for his versatility. He became a University Lecturer at the age of 23 and became a Professor of Law at the age of 37.

The man I regarded his entrance into Nigeria political space as divinely ordained; his emergence as the then Commissioner of Justice and Attorney General of Lagos State marked the beginning and the unveiling of a man of candour and people oriented leader.

One of the many good initiatives and people’s friendly policies he came up with was the introduction of pro-bono, a concept where the less privileged who could not afford the services of lawyers were provided with free lawyers to defend them. 

To so many political pundits, his nomination as the running mate in 2014 to the then Rtd General Muhammadu Buhari was not anticipated. But, for me, I sensed a man on divine mission coming to join GMB for the growth of our dear country.

As the head of the economic team from 2015-2019, he was able to proof once more his political cum economic acumen when he brought Nigeria out of recession orchestrated by the activities of the preceding government with the introduction of Economic Recovery, Growth Programme (ERGP). He did not just stop there, he came up with National Social Investment Programme (NSIP), a programme which is highly celebrated as the best pro masses initiatives ever in the history of Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

It is on records, the Vice President was invited by other African countries to guide them on some components of NSIP: Home Grown School Feeding Programme; Stipend for the elderly; N-Power and so on. I can’t forget so easily the appraisal by Former Malawian President, Joice Banda of this Vice President. In the words of Joice Banda, “When I heard you speak (as Vice President in Nigeria) I asked who is he? They said he is a pastor. I was grateful because what we really need in State houses in Africa are God-fearing men.”

Cerebrating a man who is ready at all times to give his all for the progress of and development of his country would always be done with all my strength. His workaholism earned him many accolades both within and outside Nigeria. One that got my attention and I have refused to let go from my memory was the nickname “STAR BOY”.

In view of the little said here and much more about the Vice President not mentioned here, join me to celebrate with a man who should at all times be celebrated by every well meaning Nigerian; the best Vice President ever in the history of Nigeria as he is plus one today.

May God continue to strengthening him to more.

Happy Birthday Sir, our Star Boy, more years of good health and service to God and humanity. Congratulation Sir.

– Yahaya Wada writes from Kogi State.

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