PDP is Scared Their Pyrrhic Victory in Kogi West is About to Evaporate – Fanwo

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The Director General of Media and Publicity to the Kogi State Governor, Hon. Kingsley Fanwo has urged the people of the state to dismiss the “fake alert of violence” as another “ploy by the PDP to scare voters away from voting”, saying the State Government will work with security agencies to make the election peaceful.

Speaking with journalists in Lokoja on Tuesday, Fanwo said the PDP and their agents are scared their “pyrrhic and questionable victory of February 23 in Kogi West was about to “evaporate” ahead of the State Assembly election.

“I want to put the record straight that the Government of Kogi State will do everything within its powers to ensure security before, during and after the State Assembly election. All the rumors of militarization and violence peddled by the PDP was to cause chaos and confusion in the State.

“The Governor is a democrat who would never subscribe to any undemocratic approach to elections.

“The Government owes the citizens adequate protection and that will be provided to ensure those who come out to exercise their franchise are not subjected to violence”.

Fanwo said the People’s Democratic Party should desist from creating “an atmosphere of panic”, insisting that security agencies have been charged to apprehend people who are bent on destabilizing the process through violence and other anti-democratic approaches.

“As far as the Governor is concerned, election is a celebration of democracy and not a theater of war. He believes his party will perform well in the next round of elections.

“All the stories of threats and violence are false and unfounded. They are just the shreds of imagination of those who are jittery over the stolen ‘King’s Trumpet’ in their possession. If you steal the Trumpet of the King, where will you blow it? The coming months will unfold the real political situation of Kogi State.

“Therefore, voters should come out massively to exercise their franchise as their security will be fully guaranteed”.

On the marching order to Administrators to deliver at all cost, Fanwo said government officials are not under any pressure from any quarters.

“Ignore the rumors. We are one big family under the leadership of His Excellency, Alh. Yahaya Bello. Of course, Government Officials are politicians too who will work hard for their party to win. That shouldn’t be taken for unhealthy desperation”, he said.

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