Opinion: Distinguishing Societal Civility from Immorality

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The universe has over this donkey years witnessed a gargantuan face-lift, growth, progress and advancements in astronomical areas of human endeavors. This has overtime, proved to be an uninterrupted process. Discoveries and innovations have been made in the technological fields, social sciences, economy, politics, culture, governance etc. These discoveries and innovations have brought about ease in the quest for knowledge, facilitate economic activities, aided research, medicine, security and wide range of disciplines and professions.

For instance, we now have Online Institutions of learning, E-Libraries, Debit Cards, Incubating Machines, Cell Phones, etc. which were hitherto not known.
One therefore expects a corresponding progress and advancement in our respective societies owing to the aforesaid. But the stark reality is that, by the passage of time, we keep remniscencing the past with nostalgia. Most of the talks delivered on different platforms and fora points to the fact that the past is more glorifying hence, the ultimate need to revisit it, though with little adjustments here and there since life is dynamic. While cogitating over the factors that militated the lost of our core values and eventually landed us in the present deplorable state, many answers come to mind.
One can not deny the fact that our own generation is seriously dwindling in moral strength. This is why many condemnable acts are no longer resented.
For instance, looting of public funds is no longer considered a lowly undertaking. I’ve heard many saying; they will loot, if the chance present itself. Who cares if a young lady get pregnant out of wedlock ?. They tag themselves single mothers and the society accepts it as being normal. Talk to a girl for appearing indecent and she will challenge why you paid attention to her appearance in the first place, moreover, it is a free world. A free world indeed. For this same reason, we enthrone mediocres to lead us, when they fail, we hail and celebrate them unconditionally. Nepotism, deceit, lies and lots of irrational dispositions have taken over our conscience and sense of patriotism.
If not until we are ready to inculcate good character in our children at home and schools, we will inevitably give birth to a society where anarchy and oppression will reign Supreme.
Children no doubt, have access to materials needed to enhance learning. As such, they are quite exposed.
What some of us need is guidance to help us apply our knowledge in the right direction thereby contributing immensely in addressing the ever increasing challenges the world over, rather than being left on their own misguided and consequently resort to cybercrime and many other social vices. Of course, every advancement has the potential of been used to improve or obliterate self or a system.
Thanks and remain blessed.

–  Godwin Jibrin Bakwo 

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