Opinion: Atiku’s Election Plans

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The Waziri of Adamawa, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar chose Senate President Bukola Saraki as his campaign DG for potent reasons. The guy is a clever schemer. A dangerously intelligent political hitman.

Atiku is not going the way of the common man to win the 2019 elections. He is using elite connection, backed with foreign conspiracy.

When Chief Olusegun Obasanjo OBJ chose to support Atiku, it was not out of love or true forgiveness. OBJ is the last musketeer of the Military establishment. People like General Ibrahim Babangida IBB cannot betray the North because they seldom divide their votes. I suspect, many water must have also gone under the bridge.

There is a secret elite plan to win through loopholes. For instance, China is the highest infrastructure donor to Nigeria in the past 3 and half years, Buhari was clear on his non-alignment policy and thinks of which Foreign Diplomatic arrangement favours Nigeria the most. China came with Exim bank loan of about 6B dollars. There’s also many more on the table.

America and UK would not be totally happy, hence, there exists chances for horse trading. OBJ and Atiku can capitalize on this, as some people have started making deals.

However, America has nothing to lose in allowing Atiku into their country for two days. They would need to out their eggs in two baskets. Saraki is game on. OBJ is game on. UK is threatening restriction of Visas. We know.
CJN Walter Onnoghen is the final masterplan. Atiku has seen the red light on his electoral victory.

He is not going round Nigeria. Has he been to 15 states? He is not spending huge monies on campaigns or selling his manifesto. He is saving it for the real Election Day- for vote buying.

If that fails. Strategic drumming for “election rigging” has rented the air. Saraki is singing it. Secondus is seconding it. Atiku is holding the flag. OBJ has written a letter to that effect. They would go to the tribunal regardless of obvious victory.

They are using the mass media now to condition the minds of the people to believe however the election turns our, APC must have rigged it. But the media does not cover the cult followership of Buhari that beats reasoning. The almajiris that are ready to vote Buhari even when they don’t understand what GDP means. Atiku is not appealing to that class, he is appealing to the elites because he wants a top-bottom campaign as Buhari is going bottom-top.

That is why programmes like N-Power and Trade Moni only started getting attacked during elections because the opportunity it afforded to interface with the common man in Ladipo Market and Araria is like heaven. They see it as vote buying because those who enjoy these facilities have promised to vote Buhari.

Onnoghen is the final musketeer after OBJ, he is to rig the judiciary and hand over power to Atiku after claims of rigging and violence which is being premeditated.

They is also high chances that Herdsmen attacks, BokoHaram in-land entry may become higher in the common days to create a condition of instability.

But in the end, if Atiku continues to play dirty, I suspect the top may prefer a military take over than handing Nigeria over to the same cabal of thieves that have been crippling her soul for many years into decades.

The last paragraph may not happen. Onnoghen has been seen. The political ratchet has boomerang. Atiku has to shop for another method.

CCT recommended his suspension pending the end of his case. He was not removed. He would be docked. Findings would be made. The JC would have to make another recommendation after his trial. Buhari would nominate. The Senate would affirm. Before all this is done, elections have come and gone.


– Promise Emmanuel (Kogi Rebel)

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