Open Letter to CBN Governor on Kogi State Outstanding Approved N30b Bailout Fund

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Please permit me to use this medium to write you this short piece on an issue that you are already and sufficiently aware of. I am talking about the balance of the bail out fund already approved for Kogi state to address the nagging and festering salary debacle in the state.

Please bear in mind that this fund is urgently required to be judiciously disbursed for the purpose intended for.

On behalf of all Kogites, it has become imperative to urge you to expedite action and do the needful. You should not allow mischief makers use our head to crack the proverbial coconut on this highly sensitive matter.

Let me inform you that there is manifest suffering and mass poverty in Kogi state because of the unnecessary delay in the urgent release of this fund by your good office.

Please, try and heed our clarion distress call on this vexed issue before mischief makers jump into the issue to score cheap political blackmail and vendetta.

Please, accept the assurances of my highest regard.

Yours sincerely,
Otori Ozigi, a veteran journalist and social crusader from Kogi state.

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