Repair of Kabba-Edumo Road, A Commendable Achievement by Hon. Moses Olorunleke

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Hon. Moses Olorunleke upon assumption to office as the administrator of Kabba/Bunu Local Government has taken roads as his core business despite the financial  upheaval confronting the Local Government, His administration has not rest on its oars in delivering quality dividend of democracy to the good people of Kabba/Bunu LG under a purposeful new direction agenda.

Hon. Moses Olorunleke has acknowledge the plight of the resident  from  Edumo axis, thought it wise to rehabilitate the road for easy and smooth accessibility and other economic benefit that the project will attract to the people in that area.

Hon. Moses Olorunleke has expressed optimism that his administration holds great expectation for infrastructural development under the new direction of Governor Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello has assured the people that he will remain committed to infrastructural development with his urban regeneration initiative, building new infrastructure and increase maintenance capacity of existing ones.

In his statement he has promised to cover more roads as resources will be permitting, with great determination that he will continue to improve on quality developmental project that will impact the people of Kabba/Bunu Local Government.

Hon. Moses Olorunleke in his statement urge the good people of Kabba/Bunu to continue to cooperate and support his administration as well as desist from any form of clandestine meetings  and false attack on his personality as he will remain focus and committed to new direction agenda in order to bring dividends of democracy to the people.

– Mr. Oladele Samuel
Media Aide to Kabba/Bunu LGA Administrator.

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