Marathon Race: Ebira Youth Congress Defrauds Kogi Athletes – Comrade Mohammed

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I want to bring it to the notice of all sincere Anebira and the whole world that the organisers of 2016 Marathon Race, Ebira Youth Congress (EYC) defrauded Kogi Athletes on 3rd December, 2016.

EYC is a disgrace to Ebira people and Kogi state as a whole.

How can they make our youths suffer to run marathon in this recession period and at the end after collecting so much money from them and not even fulfilling the promise of provision of vest that they earlier promised them. The organisers went ahead and manipulated the marathon race by using car to convey some athletes to the front while some went with bike and at the end of the day they presented them as winners.

I think God will punish them for punishing our innocent people for nothing sake and they must regret it because they cannot defrauded us like this and go scot-free.

I call on relevant authorities to probe this and prosecute the fraudulent acts of the organisers.

By Comrade Muhammed


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