Igala Film Premiere: Makolo Jnr Speaks on Chaaduwa-Mi

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Thomson Makolo Junior, a Kogi-born Nollywood actor of Igala origin has never hidden his passion for the screen and the entertainment industry and how to grow it in Kogi state. He has, through a dint of hard work, worked his way through the acting ladder in Nigeria. He recently breezed into the head office of our blog where he had an exclusive interview with Yabagi Mohammed; revealing details about his latest project and other sundry issues. The discussion is as frank as it is captivating, touching on some salient issues bothering on the Entertainment Industry in kogi state and his latest project. Read On…

What is the situation of the entertainment industry in Kogi at the moment?

The place of the entertainment industry in the economic development of Nigeria cannot be overemphasized, considering the role it plays in the National economy, particularly Nollywood, which is where I practice. For different reasons, Nigeria has been discussed in the International media, of late, for all the wrong things. There is one aspect of Nigeria that brings positive image to the country and its citizens at both home and abroad is the Nigerian Entertainment Industry. The effect of Nollywood in Africa and even in the global community as the second largest in the world in quantity and third largest, technically, in the world, is a big deal which no one should joke with.

Now, Nollywood is a contribution of all films (movies) made in Nigeria. Together, they form what we call the Movie industry.  Be it a Hausa, Yoruba, Igala, Nupe, or any other vernacular film made in Nigeria. It is at the statistics taking level that the distinction comes about. It is at that level that we talk about how many movies were made in any part of the country. The contribution of Kogi State to the national pool is so meager, in fact, it is almost up to nothing. Government at all levels understands and have acknowledged the fact that the industry is capable of employing many unemployed youths in the society. The sector can provide jobs, the irony is that is not the  only benefit of the sector as it can also help in image laundry and cultural promotion.

Compare what we have in the Igala Industry and the larger Nollywood

Like the Nollywood as a whole, the Igala Film sub-sector, which is our own in kogi State can assist the State through the promotion of its unique positive cultural heritage and tradition, rather than the other negative stories that people outside the shores of the state read about us in the media from the political scene and the crime situation. It can put the state into national and international consciousness and the global map of entertainment as a burgeoning Film Industry.

What are you Up to at the moment?

This year, there is a revolution we are bringing into the Igala Film Industry. We want to bring the best global practices obtainable from across the world to the Kogi state Film Production Pattern. With the project, we want to ensure that a new paradigm is introduced according to best global practices in the Hollywood and Bollywood. We are bringing in the highest standard in story-line, costume, editing and other practices relating to film production. We want to show that things can be done properly even in this climes. We are putting all necessary technicalities that have been absent in previous film Production practices. The point is we don’t want to be looked down on other producers.

I have been able to achieve with my latest film title: Pray For Me which is an English version of an earlier Igala film titled: “Chaduwa Mi”. We are planning for a mini-event the 10th of July, 2016. We call it a private screening and expect personalities from all walks of life including the media, the Industrial and business sector, Corporate bodies and who-is-who in the society across all segments of society.

The reason for the involvement of the media, government and business sectors o partner with the film industry in the state is because of their importance to the Movie Industry. What we get to hear about the movie industry and practitioners in Lagos is because they enjoy massive presence using blogs, Newspapers, television stations, Radio Stations, giving them massive airtime and space in their publications. Interviews, reviews, gossips and other mode of media information culling are used to ensure that every in any part of the world hears and reads about them. We can also achieve the same thing here in Kogi state using the same reach media space that abounds in the state. I hereby appeal to the media in Kogi State to assist us with the same thing so that we can grow and reach an appreciable level as others have.

“Pray For Me” is an inspiring story of a man who chooses to make a name for himself by giving university education to his only son, but denied his daughters same opportunity. Meanwhile, as the son retruns from school to inform the father that he was on his way to the city in search of a white collar job having concluded his studies and mandatory national Youth Service, the father drops the bombshell that he would prefer his child to stay in the village and help take care of his farming business, which can also employ the young man. Intrigues and mind-blowing twists were to follow.

With this development, all forms of emotions are brought to bear; laughter, tears, pain passion, love and others. You will also, in this movie, see typical culture of the people of the state in its naked from and you are also going to find out that Kogi state has some of the best talents in Movie production in the country. The potential of this industry to bring about empowerment and employment generation cannot be overstated.

How government can get involved

Government as policymakers, need to give some level of goodwill and recognition to this sector. They should encourage practitioners by creating an enabling environment for us to operate. They should find a way to applaud those who have chosen to make a mark and bring glory to the state in their chosen careers. Young people, especially, inspire fellow young ones, hence people like us, who have become role models for the young ones should be encouraged through positive engagements. Almost every young man you see on the street has talent that needs to be nurtured so that they can grow to the next level. From music to acting, comedy and other art forms are made up mostly of youths, both girls and boys. This is a sector that cannot just be neglected by government.

Kogi State Government must copy from other more illustrious states of the country which have taken the initiatives by appointing people from the industry into key positions. There is no reason why places like Rivers, Anambra, Enugu and others are growing because they have chosen to appoint actors such as Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD), Bob Manuel-Udoku and others as Special Advisers and Commissioners in charge of Entertainment, Culture and Tourism. We should do the same thing rather than employing people into the industry when they know next to nothing about how it works.

Your Inspiration and how youths can also be inspired

My inspiration stems from the fact that I made a cultural and professional commitment to my trade several years ago and I have stayed on the path without derailing. If anyone wants to succeed, they have to make conscious effort towards the path and stay on it till they achieve what they actually want to achieve. They have to be persistent, committed, passionate and diligent to see to the success of what they want get out of their chosen profession. If they do that, the sky will be their starting point, not their limit.

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