2019: Kogi West PDP Has No Zoning Formula – Ajibade

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A Chieftain of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in kogi West, Chief Ajibade Oladele, says that only the best will win the party’s nomination for the senatorial election in 2019.

Ajibade said this in an interview on Thursday in Isanlu.

He explained that the party would jettison any zoning arrangement for the Senate position ahead of 2019 general elections in the zone, saying the party nominee would be the most credible, competent and qualified, among others.

“For me whoever emerges and whoever has the capacity and the support of the people to take this power, wrestle this power and when you are going into a contest you look for your best, your superpower, you must select your contestants in any competition from the best,”

“My position is that the best of our candidates will represent us in the senatorial race; what is important to us as a party is to achieve ultimate victory and we are not bothered about the area where the best comes from.

It will not profit PDP to throw up a candidate that will not defeat the incumbent senator at the forthcoming election by zoning. Our candidates at the election will emerge through open, free, fair and credible selection process that will ensure that all who are qualified are given chance to contest in the party’s primaries for senatorial and other elective posts,” Ajibade said.

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