World Environmental Day; A Great Privilege to Sensitize The Society on The Need to Beat Plastic Pollution

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I am motivated to join the world on this day  encouraging worldwide  on the awareness and action that protect our environment. As it began in 1974 and has become a global platform for outreach which has been celebrated by over 100 countries.
Environment they say is the totality of our surrounding. Its involving the landforms and their attributes, the climate and changes that occur in it. It is  the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influences the life of an individual or community,  in order word environment is the sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage.
It can be physical and human environment. Though it is vital to know that without environment the existence of the fauna and flora will be question in such case the need to protect the environment is Paramount and must take a great cognizance.
Several activities of man has so far imposes great effect on the environment, in the process of development man tend to deplete the environment, causing havoc to the environment, creating damages as a result of anthropogenic activities such problem as created by man involve depletion of ozone layer, bad waste management, environmental pollution, air pollution, bad drainage system leading to erosion destruction of the earth surface. If we should allow that aforementioned problem to continue for overtime then the environment will not be good enough to satisfy the needs of the future generation. In this case sustainable development is encouraged.
Sustainable development in its simple sense is the type of development that meet the needs of the present generation without causing damage to the future generation. It is pertinent to take into account measures that are require to protect the environment in a manner that it will satisfy the need of the present and future generation. Such measure includes: proper waste management, making policies on the use of the environment, environmental sanitation, recruiting environmental protection task forces and taking into account and environmental impact assessment to know the adverse impact of any project before it is undertaken.
On the theme of this year world environmental day, ” Beat Plastic Pollution “. It very painful that we pollute our living environment  day in day out with containers of products we consume. Carelessly we dump this plastic waste in the environment without knowing the adverse effect on our health, we mismanage them, littering the environment for our living without knowing that this careless act is morally wrong in the context of environmental law and ethics as provide by UNESCO and other environmental protection agency in different states. Waste dump should be provided at different areas of the society and people should be cautioned on how they tends to dump plastic wastes.
Our environment is our life and health, the cleanliness and protection of our environment lies with us, if we agree to make it clean our health and wealth will grow well. The unborn generation will come to celebrate us. We must be careful on how we use and manage our environment.
– Musa Abbas writes from Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Kogi State University Anyigba.

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