The Man of the Masses; Alh. Momoh Jibrin for Governor

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Alh Momoh Jibrin is a testification of the receptive disposition and exemplary leadership of the young and veritable men. It becomes imperative to look at the contributions that endeared people to him so much that this aspirations of becoming the number one citizen of the state received such tumultuous celebration and felicitation access his people, friends, co-aspirants in the race, party faithful and well wishers.

AG, as fondly called by his admirers and supporters, has redefined leadership at his level. He has proved to a point that he has the vicious qualities of the type of leadership youth clamour for in this present-day society.

Apart from the fact that he has no fear, he operated at a level where accessibility to him is not restricted, he never undermine those close, known or unknown to him. He has made a positive and indelible impact in the life of many youth both young and old, men and women even without prejudice to religion, tribe or status. He bears the carriage of the Austere leader with deep pious reserve and disdain from material extravagance.

I have no doubt that if given the mandate by our highly esteemed delegate to be the flag bearer of our dear party, will be overwhelming accepted by the general electorates across Kogi state.

As one who is part of the SYSTEM, he has promised to build on the achievement of our leader, Alh Yahaya Bello on the area of education, infrastructure, rural development, security, healthcare, increased IGR, provide social amenities, empower farmers and many more.

Alh Momoh Jibrin is a man of vision and mission, he is sympathetic to the condition of his people and unrelenting in his struggle to improve their condition.

I passionately appeal to all our delegates to please support and vote for a man who can and will deliver. THE RENEWED DIRECTION.


– Tosin Tafu.
Chairman, Progressive Academic Staff Association.

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