The Journey to Take Dekina-Bassa to Another Glorious Height – A Distance From What it is Today, Has Started!

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On the 13th day of July, 2018 – I picked my Intent Form to formally register my ambition with my political party – PDP after a long time consultations with Leaders, traditional rulers, elders and associates. It was a step forward in the right direction.
There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what happens today, the Sun will rise again tomorrow.
It’s a new dawn in Our Politics with Johnson Musa – a new voice. I will do this with everyone, my life has always been about service. It didn’t start today, it started long before now and many of you here will testify.
I, Johnson Musa will serve the people [my constituents] who  invested so much trust in me. I won’t disappoint and betray that TRUST.
As we prepare for primaries in August, I implore you all – PDP faithfuls and delegates to give me the power to be at your service.
The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about, tomorrow.
Thank YOU all!
– Comrade Johnson Musa

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