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Be Proactive: Lessons From the Lockdown (2)

Leadership is not just a product of the number of your followers, title, or position, but the extent of your influence. Your degree of responsiveness to challenges and...

Wemi Jones: Unveiling a New Paradigm

Hon. Wemi Jones is one true leader that is driven by a dream to make positive difference. It is however saddening that our present society is filled with lazy,...

Opinion: Suicide is Not The Answer

Suicide is defined as intentionally taking one’s life. The word “suicide” comes from the Latin word “suicidium”, which literally means...

Change The Culture, Change The System

The politics of clannish plurality has sensitised the people that the more fairly a society is organised, the more the people tend to forget about the particularism that...

Wemi Jones: The Next Great Thing

“It’s not the events of our lives that shapes us but our beliefs as to what those events mean”  – Anthony Robbins. February 16 will mark another...

Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu: Wemi Jones, The Perfect Man for the Legislative Job

What makes a constituency a viable and active one is when you have a dignified, vibrant and selfless representative with a clear vision and mission. As a legislator, you...

Wemi Jones 2019: The Paradigm Shift

Democracy involves  the process of changing custodians of power from time to time in order to maintain a useful  equilibrium of performance  and accountability. But...

Wemi Jones is Out to Inspire a New Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency

How can a leader represent Okun land at one level or the other without working towards the unity of the constituents? Among  many other issues, Wemi Jones is out to be...

Wemi Jones Will Champion a New Course

“No single leader can save democracy, but without a leader you can trust, no democracy can be saved.”  – #Homeland. From his professional journey, ...

The Strategic Repositioning of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Fed. Constituency

While campaigns will commence by November and the general elections by February next year, Hon. Wemi Jones is up and doing in strategising to win, but far more than...