Report: Season of Projects Commissioning and Endorsements for Hon. Hassan Omale

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Figures don’t lie and so is good work. That was the welcome song the people of Ofugo- Enjema district of Ankpa local Government sang while receiving Hon Hassan Omale, the member representing Ankpa, Omalla and Ollamaboro Federal constituency in the House of Representatives.


Accompanied by the Chairman and vice of APC Ankpa local Government, Alhaji Khamilu Abdullahi and Bala Bullet respectively, representatives of Alhaji Ishiaka Alfa (omachi Attah wali), former chairman Ankpa local Government, Hon. Yusuf Omale, the APC women leader in Ankpa local government, Hajiya Maryam, Alhaji Saidu Odoma, Hon Ishiaka Yunusa – a chairmanship aspirant of Ankpa local government, APC stalwart, Alhaji Tijjani Ishiaka Alfa  and the APC kogi east zonal leader Hon Daniel Isa (Prof).


In their entourage were religious leaders, well wishers, friends and party faithfuls.

Tlegislatorvisitors were received by his Highness  the Onu of Ofugo, Alhaji Yakubu Adaji, the Onu Enjema ably represented by the district head of Enjema and the Onu Ela Ukpolobia his Highness Alhaji Ayuba Mohammed.
Others present were ward leaders, chairman association of okada riders and others so numerous to mention.
In his welcome address the representative of Ofugo residents thanked Hon. Hassan Omale for a project he tagged as a first of its kind from a Federal representative to  thier community since the return of democracy.
He further called on the legislator to do more so that his footprint can remain indelible on the sand of time.
The APC Chairman, Ankpa local government, in his address praised the honourable member for not putting them to shame.
He said the legislator has justified his mandate.
On that note, the APC chairman turned to the crowd and asked for thier opinion regarding the legislator and they in turn shouted “carry go 2019” an endorsement you will agree with me.
The chairman then turned to the legislator and said; “the voice of the people is a voice of God. You are hereby endorsed for second term”
The Kogi east zonal chairman Daniel Isah in his address reaffirmed the second term endorsement of Honourable Hassan Imale and further said he has no regret supporting the legislator beacause he has proven that he is worthy of his representation.
In a subtle tone, the zonal chairman apologised to the people for whatever they must have perceived as wrong doing by his party the APC at the state and Federal levels.
He said he can not forget how they went through all the nooks and crannies of the state canvassing for votes and promising the people that the days of non prompt payment of salary, unemployment and hunger shall be over.
He thanked them for thier massive supports during the elections and he told them to always remember that they voted a purposeful and positive change before their calculation were altered by circumstance and destiny.
He reminded them that man proposes and God disposes by he also said that doesn’t mean they should resign to fate as thier destiny will forever be in thier hand.
“Let’s ensure we have a purposeful and positive change,” he added.
The legislator,  Honourable Hassan Omale in his address, thanked all present for their support which he said without it nothing would have been possible.
He said he appreciates the fact that the little he is doing was being appreciated.
The legislator also handed some A’ level scholarship forms to the zonal chairman who in turn handed them to the community representatives for nominations.
The Onu Ofugo prayed for the legislator and then charged the community to take ownership of the project.
The solar powered borehole was eventually commissioned for the use of the community and mankind in general.
In a related vein, the August visitors then headed to Egebeshe, another community in Ankpa local government, where the honourable also sunk a borehole.
They were received by a very joyful crowd who welcomed them with traditional music, dances and masquerades.
Speaking at Egebeshe, the zonal chairman Kogi state APC, Hon Daniel Isah told the people that he has been a constant participant in all the activities of Hon Hassan Omale.
He enjoined  them to take ownership of the project and make maximum use of it.
The Chairman Ankpa APC, Alhaji Khamilu told the gathering that what they were witnessing in thier community was an appreciation of their effort towards ensuring the success of his political party in the previous elections.
He advised them to remain focused and not allow themselves to be deceived by politicians who only come with rhetorics and money during the campaigns as such people are anti- humanity.
The legislator thanked them and appreciated their unalloyed support in his success and also promised to do more.
The pinnacle of the activities was the commissioning of the mini borehole for the use of Egebeshe community and humanity in general.
Finally, the legislator, Honourable Hassan Omale and his team moved to Ogugu community in Ollamaboro local government to commission another borehole.
On reaching Ogugu, their first point of call was the palace of the late Onu of Ogugu of blessed memory. They were received by his eldest son.
The legislator and all prayed for the repose of his soul and also prayed to God to grant the family the fortitude to carry on despite the irreparable loss.
From the palace, the visitors moved to the venue of the project were they were again received by another jubilant  crowd.
Present were the Chairman APC Ollamaboro local government, Hon Onuche Agada; APC leader, Hon Attai Morandy, Bashir Ella, Rev. Father Sunday a parish priest of St Anthony Catholic Church and other well wishers.
The host, APC Chairman Ollamaboro, Hon Agada eulogised Honourable Hassan Omale and said his tenure is the most impactful on thier constituency since the return to democracy.
He said emphatically that the honourable is unconditionally endorsed for the next election beacause of his focus towards developing the Ankpa, Omalla and Ollamaboro Federal constituency.
Speaking at the occasion, Hon Attai Morandy assured the legislator of their support at all time.
He said they never had it this good. He also told the Legislator that they are expecting more before the expiration of the 8th Assembly.
The Zonal Chairman, Daniel Isah on his own part said the legislator has for the past four days been touring his constituency to make a make a positive mark and to him it is a prove that his people are his priority.
The result for good work, he says is more work and he therefore said his endorsement for Honourable Hassan Omale’s second term is again confirmed.
The Legislator thanked all in attendance and also those who couldn’t make it to the venue for thier ceaseless support.
He announced to them that the borehole is not his first project in Ollamaboro as he has earlier donated computers for tutoring of our young men and women.
He also said he has a project of solar street lights in Awada and construction of blocks of classroom.
He also added that in the coming weeks, he will return to flag-off the construction of a road in Ollamaboro community.
He said it’s not all as another blocks of classroom is on the way as the contractors are currently doing thier documentation.
Honourable Hassan Omale at that point presented his A- level scholarship forms to the party chairman for nomination of the Ollamaboro candidates.
The Legislator then led the people to unveil the water project for the use of Ogugu Community.
The occasion came to an end with a prayer by the Parish priest.
That was the end of the activities packed four days of Honourable Hassan Omale’s water for all projects to mark a prosperous 2017.
– Alfa Shittu Ishiaka writes from Enabo

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