Opinion: The Reign Of Political Rascality In Kogi State

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I have watched carefully the unfolding political drama in Kogi state over the past one year and all I could see is the rascality orchestrated and unleashed by politicians and loyalist on the general wellbeing of the people of kogi state. I can’t imagine how my dear kogi state got into this. Worthy of note is the style  used by the government to unleash poverty on the people of kogi state. The non payment of salaries is the greatest injustice meted against the people by this government and the previous.

The height of this rascality is the rearrest of  Usman Okai Austin. I waited in baited breath with high hopes that the rearrest is a mere rumor by people who want to malign the law enforcement agencies and the government but I have not seen any reputable claim by the law enforcement agency.

It is no news that Usman Okai Austin who was arrested in Abuja and whisked to lokoja by a detachment of special anti robbery squad was granted bail by the magistrate court on Thursday 13th April 2017, only to be rearrested in same court premises by the same law enforcement agency.

Okai is known for his critical position on the handling of the affairs of kogi state. He has become a voice to the voiceless, the hope of the hopeless kogi masses, he has carved a niche for himself in the heart of kogites and Nigerians, his profile skyrocketed after his arrest by 500%, he is now a household name, he is dear to our hearts. Usman Okai Austin traded his comfort and freedom for a better kogi state. He decided to speak for kogites when even when the elders deserted the people. Comrade Okai Austin, a dogged fighter, a vocal blogger and human rights crusader has been incarcerated for a week now without any cogent reason.

In another show of rascality, the Senator representing the good people of Kogi West escaped assassination in his home town. An act believed to be politically motivated, a trend that was not in existence until recently.

I also recall how Hon. James Abiodun Faleke escaped assassination sometimes back and I begin to wonder why such attempts are made on the life of people who opposes the present government, for the avoidance of doubt, I am not in any way alleging or suspecting that the state government have hands in these, I am only wondering aloud.

Nothing in this world is worth the life of another.

God bless Kogi state.

– Igomu Ojogbami Benedict writes from Abuja


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