Opinion: My Article, Okehi Administrator and The Public

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It was Theodore Roosevelt who said; “A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy”
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of Okehi Local government, I consider myself blessed and privileged to be part of this great local government and for this reason I do what I do. I also thank everyone who have called me to make enquiry about my article and pleaded to keep the part two for peace sake.
And I thank those who read through the prisms of hatred over the article I wrote titled, “SCANDALOUS POLITICAL OFFICE HOLDERS IN OKEHI LOCAL GOVERNMENT” that was published on the 15th Jan 2018 and that seems to have generated mixed reactions. Today I shall answer for myself. What I wrote was for the interest of Okehi LGA and I did that with no ulterior motive neither was I sponsored.
I choose to speak because Hon. Abdulraheem Ohiare is a leader I consider more mature to withstand heats oozing from the political kitchen and capable of answering questions which have to do with his office. So I again beseech you Hon to give me your maximum attention.
The test of a progressive policy is not private but public, not just rising income and consumption or wasting public resources for selected individuals, but widening the opportunities of all through collective and  progressives action.
First, I will unequivocally say, I have no chamber in me to nurture hatred and bitterness but mansion to harbour love, unity, peace and progress of our dear local Government. So those who think OGO’OGU MARK DAUDA hates Hon Abdulraheem Ohiare is been possessed to have such a backward thought and such person is the enemy of progress.
Secondly, some say the article was too personal. Then i laugh at their ignorance and their low capacity of thought. My personality cannot be separated from what I do. I am personal because what I become today all begin from Okehi LG that is being raped without protection. I am personal because the Local government belong to us all. I am personal because the better Okehi the better I become and I have no other local government I can call my own.
We must all bring our personality to access the progress of our society to condemn, suggests and proffer way forward.
Thirdly, those who think OGO’OGU is been sponsored are either suffering from amnesia of our political history or hypocritically pretending not to see or feel the seeming decay of our public institutions, that necessitated the article. Some people do not enjoy seeing a society that should be progressing on retardation and keep silent, and I am unapologetically one of them.
Men who know their assignment, and constitutional right  look for every opportunity to take responsibility by speaking to those in power to amend their ways for posterity sake
If there is anyone who have given me a penny to speak or to write article should kindly come out and testify against me? Hon., do not think that way sir, the truth i tell you, my love for you superseded that which all these Eneyiku Community of Ebira Youth ECBEY expressed before you. They sing praises of you for their gratification and go behind you to speak your evil. They can be very deceitful. I’ll sing your praise and tell you the hard truth always, but when the needs arise.
I want you to leave a good legacy in the mind of the people of Okehi, I want you to have viable projects that stand the test of time. I speak not from hatred or envy point of view but love and for the betterment of our people including the unborn children.
True leadership is not display when in political office or power but before and after office.
Leadership which are secure have nothing to protect but open to everyone who maybe interested to make enquiry about their community and activities of the government. Leadership requires that men and women recognize what they have to do and work towards doing it. They do not keep on expecting recognitions from the praise-singers for every little achievement
Leadership happen when the governed want to see the work done  and care little about who get the credit.
Hon Sir, I say to you today,  let the electorates blow your horn and the sound will carry twice as far as your media team. You cannot make Okehi Great without the input of the people, either negative or positive. Instead of looking at me as a threat look at me as a problem finder but smart enough to proffer solutions instead of hailing you and calling you all kind of name for a crumb. If all that came to you when on public assignment is praise and rakadede be rest assured you are on the path of  distraction that lead to failure
This article referenced above is not the first article I have written one which was also directed to you with suggestion on what you can do to leave a landmark in the heart of people. My destiny is to be a contributor to the development and progress of our community instead of joining the Association Of Lazy Consumers  (ALC) who parade the secteriate every now and then not for what they can offer but what they can get. Shame
Hon Abdulraheem, if I hurt you by the article I beg you to pardon me because I will do it again and again until we have a Local Government that work in my life time and for your success.
Wickedness is when you take away the truth for personal gain and parade falsehood to decisive the public. Let learn to be truthful in all we do because what make the difference is in the doing. And you can’t do it without it been seen and felt by the public. Let get to work, don’t be bitter rather ask for more critics. This is what make leaders strong and to be able to stand the test of time.

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