Meseko Denies Purported 2027 Ambition

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Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Hon Durosinmi Meseko, has debunked viral social media publication suggesting he is warming up for a mega political aspiration in Kogi state.

In a statement issued in Abuja on Tuesday, Meseko said the purported 2027 ambition in Kogi state politics is a baseless speculation.

The former House of Representatives member said any claims suggesting his purported political ambition in 2027 are unfounded.

The statement read:

“My attention has been drawn to three posts on Facebook by some individuals which have elicited a lot of responses. I have been inundated with a plethora of calls and messages based on the posts.

“I wish to state without equivocation that any story about me having any political ambitions for 2027 in Kogi State is nothing more than baseless speculation and misinformation.

“As the Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), my primary focus is on supporting the party’s goals and agenda at the national level.

“Any claims suggesting that I have already set my sights on a specific political position in 2027 are premature and unfounded.

“It is essential to verify the authenticity of information before spreading it to avoid misleading the public. As a responsible society, we must prioritize factual reporting and avoid engaging in gossip and hearsay.

“My loyalty lies with the party’s objectives, and any assertions regarding my future political aspirations should be backed by concrete evidence rather than mere speculations.

“The inference and deductions from the posts should therefore be discountenanced in its entirety.”

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