Kogi Resident Doctors Extol Gov. Bello’s Milestone in Health Sector

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The Association of Resident Doctors (ARD) Kogi State Specialist Hospital (KSSH) Lokoja, congratulated His Excellency, Gov. Yahaya Bello, on Eid-el-Kabir celebration, and extolled his giant developmental milestone in Kogi Health sector.

A statement by Dr Ameh Friday, President of ARD KSSH Lokoja,, made available to journalists on Saturday in Lokoja, also felicitated with the Governor on the occasion of his 47th Birthday Celebration.

The Association expressed its utmost gratitude to His Excellency for the giant Developmental Milestone recorded in the Healthcare Sector across the State.

”It is worthy of note, your Excellency sir, that the recent Renovation of KSSH Lokoja, and the Construction, Renovation, and Subsequent Equipping of hospitals across the State, have brought goodwill and accolades from within and sundry. Indeed, such is the Dividends of Democracy.

”As an Association, we want to assure you, Sir, that we are highly satisfied with your commitment to the development of the State, and we encourage you not to be deterred, but remain focused and resolute in Building a Greater Kogi,” he said

The association further commended the Governor for the implementation of CONMESS 2014 to our members, and the appropriate placement of Doctors in the State Civil Service.

”In the same vein, Your Excellency, ARD KSSH Lokoja implores you to implement the Revised CONMESS 2019, the New Hazard Allowance, Medical Residency Training Fund and proper Skipping and Promotion for our members. 

”This will commensurate with our focus and dedication to the professional expectations of our job. 

”Your responsiveness to the execution of the various projects in the State assures us that you will offer equal weight to our requests.

”Finally, we wish His Excellency a very happy Eid. May God accept your Ibadah and your good deeds. Eid Mubarak 2022!

”Thank you your Excellency,” he said.

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