Kogi NANS Elects New Officials

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By Yabagi Mohammed.

The National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS) in Kogi State has held its 4th Convention which also coincided with its 33rd Senate Meeting and elected officers to pilot its affairs for the next one year.

At the end of the largely peaceful election which took place on the main campus of the Federal University, Lokoja, Comrade Usman Husseini Attaja was elected as Joint Campus Committee Chairman, with Edah Solomon Amkpita emerging as Secretary.

In a speech he delivered following the declaration of results, the newly elected Chairman, who appreciated his students for finding him worthy to be elected, assured of his commitment to bringing back the body’s lost glory.

He decried the prevailing strike action embarked upon by workers in tertiary institutions in the state, and appealed to all stakeholders to sheath their swords for the sake of the students who are future leaders.

In his views: “The on-going strike action being embarked upon is wreaking havoc on the tertiary sector of the state education. I therefore appeal to government to sit on the roundtable with the workers to put an end to the industrial action.”

Meanwhile, the Kogi State Commissioner of Police, Wilson Inalegwu has augured the students of his resolve to prevail on the state government and other stakeholders in the educational sector to discuss the security implication of the on-going strike action.

The Police Chief gave the assurance in a meeting he held with the newly constituted executive of the National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS) to intimate him on the constitution of the new executives.

Inalegwu, who expressed sympathy with the students over their plight, assured them of high level discussion with various groups connected with the matter with the aim of finding lasting solutions.

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