Gov Ododo Hails Security Agencies for Rescuing 43 Bus Passengers, Says Kogi Remains Unsafe For Criminals

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Governor Usman Ododo has applauded security agencies in the state for their efforts in the rescue of 43 bus passengers who were abducted outside Kogi state but rescued from criminal elements by security agencies in the state.

The abducted bus passengers were rescued in Okehi Local Government Area of the state by security operatives and local hunters.

In a statement signed by Ismaila Isah, his Special Adviser on Media, Governor Ododo called for sustained collaboration between security agencies and local communities to improve intelligence gathering and prevent crime and criminality in all parts of the state.

The Governor commended the caretaker chairman of Okehi Local Government Area, Mr Amoka Eneji, the Nigeria Police, Nigeria Professional Hunters, Ebira Local Hunters Group and other security agencies for their intervention that led to the rescue of the 43 bus passengers who were abducted outside the state.

Governor Ododo also commended the response of security agencies to the robbery incidence in Felele area of Lokoja and called for more urgency in addressing cases of insecurity in any part of the state.

The Governor reassured the people of the state that his administration will not relent in his efforts in deploying maximum resources to ensure that all communities in the state remain unsafe for criminal elements.

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