Easter: Gov. Yahaya Bello Admonish Christians to Emulate Christ’s Sacrificial Life

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Kogi state Governor, Yahaya Bello has rejoiced with the Christian faithful on the occasion of the 2023 Easter celebration.

Bello who spoke in a special message on Friday through a press statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Onogwu Muhammed congratulated the Christian faithful for the successful completion of the lent season which he noted was much-needed self-denial to pray for the peace of the country and wisdom for the leaders.

“I wish to rejoice with our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world on the auspicious occasion of the 2023 Easter celebrations. As we all know, Easter is marked by Christians as a joyous holiday because it represents the gratification of the prophecies and the revelation of God’s redemptive plan for the followers of Christ”. 

While urging Nigerians to remain hopeful about the nation’s progress, Bello said Easter also signifies the celebration of the defeat of death and the hope for salvation. 

“In immortalizing the Resurrection of Jesus, Easter also means the celebration of the defeat of death and the hope of salvation therefore, I urge all citizens to keep faith in our leaders with prayers for a greater Nigeria,” he said.

The governor added that just as the death, and resurrection of Christ signified hope for mankind, there must be a renewal of hope for our nation in this season of great challenges.

He urged Christians to reflect on critical issues affecting the nation and to continue seeking the face of God Almighty for the country so that security, unity and peace will prevail in the overall national interest.

Governor Bello who noted that the 2023 general elections, which will usher in new breeds of leaders across the country by May 29 represent a watershed for Nigeria insisted that all citizens who participated effectively in the process of electing leaders into the various offices must also commit themselves to pray for the smooth transmission of government, growth and prosperity of the country. 

While assuring the Christian faithful in Kogi state of the state’s commitment to a joyous celebration free of all hitches, he added that security operatives and other collaborating agencies are working together round-the-clock to checkmate crime and secure the lives and properties of citizens.

Governor Bello urged all Christians who observe the season to find strength and solace in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

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