Crisis Looms In Kogi State University

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Tension is gradually building at the Kogi State University, Anyigba, following a conflict of interest among the academic staff of the institution.

Our correspondent gathered that the bone of contention at the moment is who oversees the affairs of the university, after the expiration of the tenure of the incumbent vice chancellor, Prof. Hassan Isah.

Prof. Isah completes his tenure next month, even as majority of the academic staff are favourably disposed to the renewal of his tenure, following the laudable achievements he has recorded as the head of the institution.

However, some teaching staff are said to be kicking against his continuation in office, a development that is threatening the smooth academic calendar of the university.

The development has led to the formation of a body known as Integrity Group, whose membership is drawn from virtually all the faculties of the school, vowing to resist attempts to cause confusion in the institution.

A leading member of the group told LEADERSHIP on condition of anonymity, that the few elements kicking against the re-appointment of the incumbent vice chancellor  have never supported any head of the institution.


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