Crime Rate: Aiyedogbon Urges Govt to Empower Youths, Women

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By Bayo Aka.

As part of measures to curb criminal tendencies in the society, government at all levels have been told to empower youths and engage them productively.

The Managing Director of CHARVID Hotels conglomerates, Barr David Shola Aiyedogbon made this appeal during the 30th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Sunday Toluyemi held at press centre Lokoja.

Barr Aiyedogbon who is also a chieftain of All Progressives Congress (APC) explained further that most Nigeria youths between the age bracket of 25 to 35 are jobless and resort to criminality.

The philanthropist averred that empowerment of youths and women is not only through white collar jobs but could be through farming work or small scale business, saying these means are capable of helping the youths and women keep body and soul.

As a businessman of repute, he also called on government to put in place infrastructural facilities that can help business to grow.

Aiyedogbon who has a branch of CHARVID hotel in the last 12 years in Aiyetoro, Ijumu Local Government Area and another in Lokoja, said he has contributed his quota at the grassroots and at the state level to human development.

While adding that he has also intervened in medicare expenses for the less privileged , gave palliative during the peak of COVID-19 effects last year.

Barr Aiyedogbon who congratulated the couple on the 30 wedding anniversary celebration, urged them to continue to sustain all that has made to be together.

Also Bishop Bako who was the guest speaker said they deserved an award for the endurance and patience that have sustained them.

He said Jesus is the source of the couple’s togetherness

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