COVID-19 and Old Wives’ Tale

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This topic, Covid-19 and the old wives tale was selectively chosen for the discussion this morning because; statistically, every house have at least someone that depends on ‘them say’. Also, youth of today have become the fuel and matches that help in the ignition of information and or misinformation. Worthy of note is the continuous exponential increase in covid-19 cases which has make many if not all highly encumbered.

Microorganisms, including Coronaviruses, are naturally existing as postulated by the school of thought of the spontaneous generation. Scientists believed that living cell is from preexisting ones. If viruses are living when inside a living cell, then, no one should give glory for inventory rather discovery. Because, microorganisms are not invented but discovered, and coronaviruses inclusive.

In the middle 1960s, a virologist named Dr. June Almeid stormed a crown shape particle on her microscope while working on influenza virus. She named it Corona which means crown, the name coronavirus. From 2003 still date several strains of the virus have been emerging and reemerging causing infectious disease and death just like other viruses. 

The recent novel coronavirus originated from the Hunan seafood market at Wuhan, China where bats, snakes, raccoon dogs, palm civets, and other animals are sold, and rapidly spread up to 189 countries as we talked today.

WHO declared Coronavirus as pandemic by March 11, 2020. While the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) named the virus as SARS-CoV-2 in the family Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales and the disease as COVID-19 an abbreviation for ‘COronaVIrus Disease 2019’.

COVID-19 is characterized most frequently by respiratory infection, which can progress to pneumonia, severe lung damage and death.

The zoonotic source of SARS-CoV-2 is not confirmed, however, sequence-based analysis suggested bats as the key reservoir. While the intermediate source of origin is unknown despite the geometric increase in human to human transmission.

This can be inferred as the disease spread during close contact, often by small droplets produced during coughing, sneezing, or talking by a carrier. These respiratory droplets are by chance absorbed into the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes by an uninfected person (susceptible host).

As opposed to being infectious over large distances, droplets (sputum and saliva) are relatively heavy and usually fall on ground or surfaces where they can infect people if they touch this contaminated surfaces and then their eyes, nose or mouth with this their unwashed hands.

Interestingly, like other viruses, SARS-CoV-2 decreases in virulence over time until it can no longer cause infection when found on surfaces. Surfaces are easily decontaminated with household disinfectants which kill the virus outside the human body or on the hands. Disinfectants or bleach are not a treatment for COVID-19, and cause health problems when not used properly, such as inside the human body.

Although COVID-19 is not a sexually transmitted infection, kissing, intimate contact, and faecal oral routes are suspected to transmit the virus.

On May 9th, 2020, traces of SARS-CoV-2 was reportedly found in a semen sample of an infected patient in Germany.

Common symptoms of Covid-19 include; fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of smell and taste. While the majority of cases result in mild symptoms, some progress to acute respiratory distress and finally death. Most of those who die have pre-existing (underlying) conditions, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease among other diseases that compromised the immune system.

The virus infect all bracket of age ranging from infants to adults, however, only 0.029% have been reported among children worldwide and they were mild cases.

Recommended measures to prevent infection include frequent hand washing, maintaining physical distance from others (especially from those with symptoms), quarantine, covering coughs, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face. According to the WHO, the use of masks (surgical masks) are recommended only if a person is coughing or sneezing or when one is taking care of someone with a suspected infection.

Cloth made mask is highly encouraged among people not infected.

Distinguished members of the Academic Elites of Ebiraland, the fear of Covid-19, misinformation and the old wives tale (myths or superstition) as the case maybe, have become worrisome.

Coronavirus just like other sister viruses like the Hanta virus, Hepatitis, Influenza, Adeno viruses, Piconaviridae, Papilloma viruses, to mention but few are not death sentence. Many a times they naturally disappear in an immune competent individual.

Then why propagating this old wives tale which is now commonly referred to as the Corona Conspiracy Theory (CCT)?

Some of this myth are;

  • Covid-19 was created by the Chinese to gain world power by 2025.
  • Genetic engineered could have been a better language.
  • Ginger and garlic cure Corona.
  • They are naturally medicinal but no clinical evidence against Corona.
  • No therapeutic against Covid-19 so far, however, the symptoms have been treated and patients tested negative were discharge.
  • Pet at home transmit it. This is a lie. The intermediate host is yet to be determined since 2003.
  • That spraying or drinking of alcohol or chlorine all over your body kill the new coronavirus. No. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered your body. 
  • That letters and packages sent from China can cause Covid-19.
  • The Virus can not survive long on surfaces.
  • That climate affect the virus. All zones in the world have it now.
  • Bathing with hot water will not affect the virus inside your body.
  • That Blacks can die of Covid-19.

The list is just too long.

At this point, the most important thing is ADJUSTMENT BEHAVIOR, particularly on the type of information we share. Believe it or not Covid-19 is REAL, but that should not be the only health concern of today.  Malaria and typhoid is killing more than Covid-19, so why the misinformation causing ‘Infodemic’ which is worse than pandemic?

Don’t forget that the North Eastern part of Nigeria is still suffering from from Piconaviridae together with Afghanistan and Pakistan. This polio virus disease had killed more people than Covid19 despite the presence of vaccine.

Just like the use of mosquito net is important and drinking of potable water is necessary to prevent underlying sickness, regular washing of hands with soaps should be included. Use of nose mask where physical distance is not too possible should be put into practice. Among all, information from verifiable source should be followed. Good personal hygiene and exercise is encouraged while substances that would dilapidate the immune system should be avoided.

Ebola is yet to have a cure, the same with Zika viral disease, Lassa, HIV etc. but preventive measures. Adjusting our ways of life by adhering into the set down measures will go along way.

‘Infodemic’ is worse than pandemic, it causes mental disorder, indirectly weakens the immune system and kills faster than Covid-19. Take news from verify source and stop the Covid-19 old wives tale.

Thank you all and God bless the federal republic of Nigeria.

Being an online presentation for Academic Elites of Ebiraland by Muhammed Abdullateef Omeiza

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