Another Term For Jonathan Will Help Consolidate on Nigeria’s Development- Wada

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Kogi State Governor, Capt Idris Wada has assured that another term in office for President Goodluck Jonathan, will help in consolidating on the rapid change so far witnessed in all sectors that the nation’s economy has attained in the last four years under the President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration.

Capt Wada also declared that the continuity project being clamored for by well meaning Nigerian’s for  President Goodluck Jonathan will help in the stability of the country as all the programmes he initiated would have matured to fruition to meet the development need of the country.

Speaking in Kontagora, Niger State, at the official flag off campaign for the Niger State PDP 2015 general election, Capt Wada who was represented at the occasion by his Deputy, Yomi Awoniyi, in a goodwill message, disclosed that PDP remains a viable platform for sustainable development of the country.

Capt Wada described the diversification of the nation’s economy, the investment friendly environment created by the Jonathan’s administration which he noted has buoyed up the nation’s economy with local and foreign  investments, calls for the re-election of President Jonathan.

The governor also added that the strengthening of genuine local entrepreneurs for global competition, with automobiles for example now manufactured in  Nigeria, calls for continuity, urged the electorate not to be deceived, said the Jonathan’s administration has done well.

According to Wada, “the change that Nigerians yearn for is that which  consolidates the capacity of a leader who established fourteen new  federal universities in four years; holds close to the heart, the future  of the children of the poorest of the poor in establishing the Almajiri  and out-of -school children education system.”- urged Nigerians to have faith as the PDP will continue to meet the yearning and aspiration of the people.

The governor praised the giant strides made in the health and agriculture sector that has directly impacted on the well being of the citizens by President Jonathan, urged the people to vote the PDP in all the forth coming elections, disclosing that PDP remains the party to beat.

In his remarks, Sen David Mark, President of the Senate and Chairman of the flag off, described President Goodluck Jonathan as best change that has happened to Nigeria.

Sen Mark assured the people of Niger State, of a pride of place in President Jonathan’s administration if reelected, said the state has in the last few years benefited from the power, agriculture projects and other programmes of the Federal Government.

Sen Mark urged the people of Niger State to remain resolute in their resolve to deliver PDP in all the forth coming general election slated for February, described the Niger State as a PDP state since 1999.

Earlier in his welcome remarks, Babangida Aliyu, Governor of Niger State, said his administration has delivered on his campaign promises to improve the living condition of the people in the areas of socio economic development, urged the people to remain supportive of the PDP by voting for its candidates in the February election, this he explained will enable for continuity and consolidation of gains of democracy begun by his administration.

Highlights of the flag off ceremony was the presentation goodwill messages by FCT Minister Bala Mohammed, Deputy Governors of Nasarawa, Benue, and Governor of Plateau States as well as presentation of flags to the governorship candidate, Umar Nasko and other candidates of the PDP for the 2015 general elections from Niger State.

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