A Call on The Government of Kogi State to Empower Her Youths

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I am Ayomide Otitoloju, the President of Okun Youth Foundation. I hail from Kogi State and I founded the Okun Youth Foundation within the state of Kogi in 2016 with the aim of uplifting the youths of Okun and helping them to discover themselves, recognize their worth and play a role within our society.

It has come to the open that youths of this prestigious state are lacking in diverse areas which can prevent development of our communities. Surely, there is no doubting the fact that the future of our community- our nation, lies in the hands of this growing generation.  If there is an obstruction that hinders the growth and development of our communities, the way of ignoring the medium through which the project of communal development can be achieved, then, we will unfortunately be faced with a failed and dissolving state.

With regards to issues affecting the female folk, cases such as unwanted pregnancy, rape and abandonment by their parents have led them to indulging in illegal acts, the most common of them being prostitution and abortion. We should all realize that our girls all have a right to a future. In the case of the male youth, it is also unfortunate that more and more youths these days are little or nothing to write home about. They take laws into their hands and cause insecurity in our communities.  Kogi State hinges her pride on such achievements as producing graduates, abundant workforce for our society. Yet, few graduates can stand up to defend and even add to the building of our state, reason being that job opportunities are only in the ears but not in the eyes.

I advocate on behalf of the youth for support and attention from the government. We ask for the construction of educational institutions for those who have interest in schooling and skill building homes such as tailoring, bakeries, art homes,  computer schools, technical schools to mention but a few. These form of assistance, if rendered to our youths, will reduce societal vices such as robbery, abduction, and destruction of properties as a result of frustration or youth restiveness.

Nike Okundaye is one of the beneficiaries of an opportunity. She is a role model to many female children who intend to cultivate her lifestyle and ambition, just as she had promoted ‘Adire’ so that women all over Nigeria have something to cover their sexuality with. If we have people interested in becoming like her, then we have people who are ready for change. We need support towards the female folks as well so that we can breed and showoff more of Nike. We need Nike to be known by Nigerians.  If all these pleas or requests can be provided within our communities, there is the certainty that there will still be a chance for development for Kogi State and development of the Okun people.



– Ayomide Otitoloju

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