Declaring Imam Umar’s Seat Vacant; A Mere Distraction To The Obvious – Sanni

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A chieftain of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Kogi State, Hon. Sanni Idakwo Philips has described the purported declaration of the seat of the member representing Lokoja 1 in Kogi State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Umar Imam vacant as a “mere distraction to the obvious”.
Addressing newsmen in Lokoja on Tuesday, Hon Sanni Idakwo stated that the state government is obviously afraid of Imam’s rising profile.
He accused the state government of playing to the gallery and assured supporters that SDP will take appropriate actions as enshrined in the constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria.
“We in SDP are not disturbed by the purported declaration of Rt. Hon. Umar Imam’s seat vacant. We are focused on next Saturday’s bye-election and victory is in sight.
“In view of the 11th of August Lokoja-Koto bye elections, the Kogi State government is jittery and has become afraid of the obvious, seeing that the people have rejected the APC as a party.
“Kogi state government is uncomfortable with the rising profile of Hon. Umar Imam. It is indisputable that the people of Lokoja have thrown their weight behind the SDP and its candidate, Umar Imam. The government is afraid of defeat on August 11 and has resulted to dirty politics. It is a mere distraction,” he said.
Sanni Idakwo Philips called on all supporters of the SDP and its candidate for the August 11 bye-election, Hon. Umar Imam not to be distracted by the actions of the government as victory is sure for the SDP in the election on Saturday.

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