Yemisi Oshaloto Football Tournament Kicks Off August 6 in Yagba West

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Yemisi Oshaloto Football Tournament, a youth development and empowerment initiative is set to kick off in Yagba West Local Government, Kogi State on Saturday, August 6, 2022.

The tournament organised at the instance of Yemisi Initiative Support Group (YISG) will take place at three designated centres between August 6 and September 3, 2022.

The centres are Titcombe College, Egbe, United Commercial Secondary School (Gbaraga), Odo-Ere and  Government Day Secondary School, Okeri.

Participating football teams are drawn from across the 14 electoral wards in Yagba West Local Government. 

In a statement by the Chairman of YISG, Aremu E. Tayo, the organisers who are non-partisan, decided to stage the tournament in honour of Ms Yemisi Oshaloto as well as to practicalise her vision for the engagement of minds of the youth at this critical time of nation building.

According to the Delta State based Mr Aremu, “YISG decided to stage this tournament in furtherance to Erelu Yemisi Oshaloto’s vision for the encouragement of the youths of Yagba West to embrace the spirit of national unity, cohesion and patriotism, irrespective of religious and ethnic creeds, which football as a sport stands for in Nigeria and globally”.

Chairman of YISG, Aremu E. Tayo

He added, “What YISG is out to achieve by staging Yemisi Oshaloto Football Tournament includes and not limited to generating healthy competition, creativity, creating avenue for the discovery of untapped talents and the engagement of the minds of our youths, physically, mentally and positively, starting from the cradle. All of which Erelu Yemisi Oshaloto stands for as a social media crusade for youth development, justice and equality, over the years”.

Date/Time Schedule

i. Opening Ceremony/ Kick Off

Date:  6th August, 2022

Time:  2pm

Venue:  Titcombe College Egbe football field 

ii. Grand finale: 

Date:  3rd September, 2022

Time:  2pm

Venue:  GDSS Okeri football field

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