Yahaya Bello Is The Secret Behind My Outstanding Performance – Ohere

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Abubakar Ozioto, Lokoja.

The Special Adviser to the Executive Governor of Kogi State in charge of Ministry for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs,  Engineer Abubakar Ohere has described the Governor as a chief source of inspiration to his appointees through his exemplary leadership.

Hon Abubakar made this declaration in his office on Monday while interacting with newsmen from Radio Kogi, FM 94 who were on a visit to confirm his developmental stride.

In his words, “moments with His Excellency is always filled with inspiration because he is full of determination. You see a young man with all seriousness,  focus,  commitment, hope,  belief, discipline, and a willing heart to serve. A summation of these distinctive traits reveals Bello is out for business. You cant sleep because he is awake; you cant sit because he is standing; you cant walk because he is running; we all are on our toes because the man at the helm of affairs is not joking with governance, the little we can do as appointees, is take a queue”

Speaking on the outcome of the petitions and appeals, Ohere said Alhaji Yahaya Bello’s triumph once again at the Appellate court is a reflection that God is actually at work; and that,  he has long advised those challenging the divine mandate to sheath their swords and join forces with the chosen one as he leads the citizens of Kogi State to the promise land.

“On thirteen occasions his emergence was contested, and in all judgements he has defeated his challengers with massive landslide. Our Living God is neither an Author of confusion nor an Engineer of incomplete project; we are confident in Him to take us through the rest phase of the legal tussle”,  Ohere added.

Asked what is up the sleeves of the current administration on security,  Alh Abubakar said the deployment of troops to the state following the visitation of Chief of Army Staff has set the crime index on a drastic decimation. He urged those merchandising crime and all other forms of social vices to as a matter of earnest urgency,  consider a change of trade to a legal means of livelihood as there will be no paradise for them by the time the state government deploys  surveillance drones to monitor, curb and uproot crime totally across the state.

He enjoined the good citizens of Confluence State to continue to put His Excellency in their daily prayers as he has no reason not to succeed with the caliber of passionate patriots in his ‘NewDirection’ cabinet.

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