Victor Adoji; A Merchant or Victim of Fake Endorsements?

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The senatorial candidate of African Democratic Congress (ADC) for Kogi East, Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji (DVAA) is a new face in the politics of the zone and is currently enjoying mixed fortunes as we race towards 2019 general elections.

He was an aspirant under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), a party that is seems incapable of detaching itself from its old ways. He fought hard but could not prevail against a notorious mandate snatcher. He rightly adjudged a victim of electoral malfeasance and was prodded on to seek greener pastures in another party but there are fears that he might end up as a political orphan when the chips are down in 2019.

But more worrisome is the recent controversies involving endorsements from key stakeholders in Kogi East. The controversy will definitely have adverse effects on his push for the coveted senate seat as many are beginning to wonder if he is still victim of endorsement scam or a dealing directly in endorsement merchandise.

First, it was a blazing report that claimed Adoji has been endorsed by the scion of the late Prince Abubakar Audu family, Mohammed. The apolitical prince responded under 24 hours that he has not endorsed any candidate. Mohammed Audu was very direct in his response; “I have not endorsed any candidate. The Audu political family has not endorsed any of the candidates jostling for political positions in Kogi state. It is too early to endorse any candidate. There is enough time for the candidates to prove themselves.”

As if this embarrassment was not enough, Adoji’s handlers completed an endorsement brace with a well circulated report claiming his candidature has been endorsed by the highly revered Kogi East Elders Council (KEEC). Few days later, the Elders Council debunked the claims.

These repeatedly refuted claims of endorsements will not help DVAA’s ambition, rather, it may end up as his Achilles heel.

But the question is; is DVAA a victim of these fake or reversed endorsement or a desperate politician who has mastered the art or ‘endorsement mercantile’.

The elections are fast approaching and all serious candidates are expected to avoid pitfalls that can hamper their chances at the polls.

– Adamu Ojonugwa writes from Lokoja.

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