Tag: Kogi, Kogi News, Ogo'ogu MD, Opinion
2019 Election: Youths, Be Mindful of Those Who Arm You to Kill Your Future for a Token (Part 1)
adminJul 11, 2018
Dear Compatriots, I come to you today as an advocate, whose mission is to pass vital information to his people especially as 2019 General Elections draw near. This...
Gov. Bello, Your New Direction Will Die If You Fail to Carry Out Forensic Check on Wolves Around You
adminJun 18, 2018
A leader is one who has the courage to dream,the ability to organise and the strength to execute the actions necessary. A leader is simply one who knows where he/she...
Stop The Wastage: Senator Ogembe’s Constituency Projects In View
adminMay 31, 2018
The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people- Martin Luther King, Jr. Ladies and gentlemen of...
Political Unrest in Ebiraland: Gov. Bello, Press Release and Condemnation Is Not Enough
adminMar 09, 2018
Thomas Jefferson wrote and I quote… “The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be...
Ebira Carnival: Time To Restructure And Make It Truly ‘Ebira’
adminJan 29, 2018
Permit me to precede this article with some wisdom from Gail Devers to prepare and relax our nerves as we proceed. “Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve...
Opinion: Our Children Need Conducive Learning Environment, Not Customized School Bags
adminOct 20, 2017
It was Benjamin Franklin who said, As we must account for every idle word, so must we account every idle silence. Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow citizens of Kogi...
Good Parenting: An Essential Factor for Nation Building Part 2
adminSep 24, 2017
“To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of...
Opinion: Humble Call on Ebira Fathers and Mothers to Uphold Virtues of Good Parenting (Part 1)
adminSep 10, 2017
Ladies and gentlemen, fathers and mothers I come to you as a son not to heap blames on you but to reawaken us from slumber to responsibility. I will also beseech our...
Opinion: The Church is in Need of Public Servants
adminAug 05, 2017
Jesus said “All authority has been given Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples…” – Matthew 28:18,19 Authority is given for disciples to...
Opinion: Jettisoning Excuses for Purposeful Leadership
adminJul 01, 2017
There are only two kinds of politicians that run the affairs of Kogi state – the ones that get results, and the ones that make excuses. If you’re in that...