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Without Wall Inspire Africa Donate Foodstuff and Toiletries to Orphanage Home in Lokoja

Without Wall Inspire Africa has donated food stuff and toiletries to Yekope orphanage home in Adankolo Lokoja, Kogi State. The donation, according to the team leader of...

Opinion on Genetically Modified Organism

Introduction Food is integrally entwined with places, culture, environment, and ethics. Food is a commodity no human can do without, it’s an essential substances that...

Youth Rebirth; The Real Wind Of Change

The Youth has always constituted the most populated, active and resilient age group in any society with Nigeria not an exception. It will be a time bomb for any society...

Rural Development; An Insight On The Roles of Individuals by Onivehu Kareem

Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. The...

Library Negligence; A Default in Literacy Development to Our Society

Information is the core of society and intelligence in the 21 century. The ever rising st dependency on information science and technology in modern society, in...