Speech: We Must Stand and Unite Against Corruption – Comrade Okwutepa

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On behalf of Civil Society Organizations in Kogi State, I am honored to deliver this goodwill message at this auspicious occasion, as we Commemorate Year International Anti Corruption day in Kogi State with the objective of raising awareness on the ills of corruption and to advocate for the signing up to Open Government Partnership (OGP) by Kogi State Government.

The timeliness of this stakeholder’s forum cannot be over emphasized, especially now that anti corruption and accountability has become a priority for the government and people of Kogi State and Nigeria at large. Here today, Civil Society Organizations and Public stakeholders with their significant role of holding governments and individuals to account are setting the agenda and advocating for enhanced strategies which will support the fight against corruption.

We are saying enough is enough and all hands must be on deck to fight corruption in Kogi State and Nigeria. The fight against corruption is not for the President, the Governor, anti corruption agencies or the political parties, it begins with me and you.

Corruption was the reason why parents could not feed their children, and elderly persons who served our dear country for 35 years are still being owed their gratuity and pension.

When you hear that billions of naira is stolen, it means that, there are no drugs in the hospital, no infrastructures and quality teachers in schools, no good roads to ply on, insecurity and above young citizens who have spent a lot of time and energy in attaining education cannot have jobs.

It also implies that our industries such as the steel companies at Ajaokuta and Oshogbo may never come to life. For example, Ajaokuta mill alone could employ up to 17, 000 engineers. “If you take 17,000 persons off the unemployment market in Nigeria, Our Country and State will not be where it is today. Again, as a result of the ills of corruption, out of a total of 70 million youths in Nigeria, about 40 million of them are still unemployed.

Today, we are standing in solidarity as young people to create awareness on the dangers of corruption. Let us all take action irrespective of who we are and where we find ourselves. Corruption has a catastrophic impact on our society; it stifles opportunities, denies vulnerable people access to infrastructure, and increases the inequality between the rich and the poor.

The victims of corruption are not a single but a long chain of generations to come. This crime haunts successive generations by impacting negatively on countless numbers of people.

In order to eliminate poverty and experience increased economic growth in Kogi State, Nigeria and all over the world, we must stand and unite against corruption.

This means that we will reject corruption and embrace accountability, transparency and good governance. To achieve these, we must make use of available tools such as the universal adoption and full implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption.

On this International Day Against Corruption, all Civil Society Organizations must continue to work with the anti corruption agency in the State, specifically the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission in the fight against corruption.

We are all aware that Nigeria is experiencing an unprecedented resurgence in the fight against corruption under President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration. The President has demonstrated the strong will to fight corruption through the prosecution of high profile individuals alleged to have been involved in Corrupt Practices. Also, the Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello has shown commitment in the fight against corruption through the Civil service reform currently ongoing in Kogi State.

We seize this medium to urge the Committee set up by the State Government to retrieve the looted funds and assets carted away by selfish individuals, to do their work without fear or favor.

We also urge the Judiciary to step up the performance of their responsibilities in the fight against corruption by prosecuting corrupt persons and ensuring quick dispensation of justice.

We appeal to the 6th Assembly of Kogi State House of Assembly, to do the needful by voting “a yes” for the autonomy of the State House of Assembly, as this will enhance the performance of their over sight functions as Legislators.

We call on his Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello to on behalf of Kogi State sign up to Open Government Partnership (OGP) for transparency, accountability and inclusiveness in governance.

Finally, we thank all the partners that contributed to the success of this stakeholders forum, especially ActionAid Nigeria  and Participation Initiative For Behavioral Change in Development (our sponsors), the  North Central Zonal Office of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission, Initiative For Grass Roots Development (INGRA), National Orientation Agency (NOA) and my Colleagues at Voice Of Youth Initiative (VOYI) for their immense contributions to the success of this program.

Thank you all for your kind attention.

– Mr. Okwutepa Aminu Oseni

Executive Director, Voice Of Youth Initiative (VOYI)

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