Some Out of Many Testimonies of Dr. Adoji’s Selfless Service to Humanity

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“I do not know where to start from because the contributions of the Man-Victor Adoji has been so much. Anyway, let me try thus.

The capacity of a man is known through his selfless service to humanity!
Victor Alewo Adoji has contributed in no small measure in the education of the Igala Nation through his total commitment towards:

(a) Funding of scholarship disbursements:It was in December 2004, when I muted the idea of the “Ofakaga students’ scholarship scheme”. It was accepted by the Royal Club of Ofakaga.

The take off was to be December 2005. Yet, I did not have an idea where the funds would come from. The initial disbursement was to be N560,000= only, to cater for the school fees of all school children of the Ofakaga Community.
Lo and behold, I came in contact with Victor. Before I knew it, he had Credited my Account with N500,000=. It was easy for me to raise the balance of 60K for the disbursement exercise in December 2005.This is the background story.

Soon, the Project Igala organisation learnt of the goings on in the Ofakaga Community. They decided to replicate this effort in 24 communities across Igala land. They contacted me, and made me the chairman of the Project Igala education scheme. NOW, THIS IS WHERE THE BIGGER.


(1) No one knew, but it was Victor who provided the support/money for the logistics involved in the establishment of a 5-man standing grass roots committee in each of the 24 selected communities that included:-Idah-Iyogbo-Ugwolawo-umomi-Ejule-Okele-ofakaga ojejini-Okabo-Agbeji-Anyigba-Egume-Aloji-Ikpakpala-Odu -Ochele-Odu okpakili-Ebeje Owala-oganenigu-Odenyi-Alloma-Ogwugwu-Alagalani-imane-Enabo-Ofugo-Abejukolo Ife

(2) From the year 2006, and In each of these communities, scholarships mainly by way of school fees and other scholarly needs were provided for 50 students to prevent school drop outs etc. The 50 students in each community, comprised of students in secondary and tertiary institutions. On the average, each community benefited to the sum of N200,000= per year. This amounted to the total sum of N4,800,000= per year.

It is instructive to note that the entire scheme ran from the year 2007 to 2014. You can imagine the volume of money expended over the 8 years that the scheme lasted.I am not saying that Victor alone shouldered all the funding but being in charge, iam aware, that he contributed up to 80% of the entire funding over the years.

(b) Building of a block of 4 class rooms:A physical building of a block of 4 classrooms at the Ajetachi Primary School in Anyigba. This was an effort from the foundation level to completion. Amount involved was close to N4million. The building is there as a physical testimony of Victor’s contributions to the educational development of our land of birth. Once again, this effort was not his alone but he contributed the lion share towards its manifestation.

Another block of 3 class rooms at a place called Ega-orinono(3 kilometers away from Ogugu town). This was another effort that was manifested courtesy of the larger contribution by the man.. Victor Alewo Adoji.

(c) Provision of class room desks/chairs:The schools in the following communities were provided brand new desks/chairs, again, courtesy of Victor’s larger contributions:
>Alloma Central Primary School
>Utoba Primary School close to Ankpa
>Oganenigu Primary school(Dr.PaulOcheje and Victor’s efforts)
>Ofakaga community sec. School

(d) Provision of 10 set of ComputersIt was Victor’s idea that we should establish a Central IT Training centers beginning from Anyigba. To that effect, he purchased 10 sets of Computer units to kick start the project. This project is yet to be actualised for logistic reasons and I can confidently tell you, that the 10 sets of Computers are still stacked out there in my house.

(e) Customised Note books for the Igala child:It was Victor’s idea too that we produce what was then known as “Igala child education Notebook”. These note books were produced in volumes and distributed to Igala students during any disbursement efforts in any of the scholarship centers across Igala land.

Like I said earlier, Victor’s contributions to the educational development of our land of birth has been enormous. There is hardly a way to make an exhaustible submission on this great man’s contributions to the development of the Igala Nation.

If Victor can do this as a private business man then our land shall know development in every sectors of the economy when voted for as the Senate representing the good people of Kogi East Senatorial District.
I call on all Igala son’s and daughter’s to support his Senatorial bid to better our land.

– Sir David Abutu

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