Eight year old Primary two school girl, Ummu Kulthum Muktar Anaje, has applauded the efforts of Kogi State Governor, Alh. Yahaya Bello and the Senior Special Assistant on Security Matters for Okene local government, Engr Abdulrazaq Muhammad for ensuring security of children in the state.
Ummu gave the commendation when her request to visit the Okene council boss was honoured on Thursday.
She expressed gratitude to Gov. Bello for making Kogi State safe for her and other children to live in peace and go to school safely.
The 8year old Ummu, who hails from Okengwe in Okene local government, had watched a documentary aired on one of the national television on the effect of banditry, kidnappers and Boko Haram on children in some parts of Northern Nigeria and how it has affected the education of those children, especially the girl child.
After watching the sad documentary, the little girl asked her father what offence the children of those areas committed to warrant such treatment and why she has not experience same, since they all live in the same country.
Recounting the experience, Ummu’s father said he responded that; “to the best of my knowledge, children of those areas didn’t commit any offence but are victims of circumstances. As for why you have not experienced same in Okene local government, the Governor of your state has placed the security of lives and property of all citizen as a matter of top priority. He also appointed Engr. Abdulrazaq Muhammad Yusuf, the one we popularly call ‘Ya Muhammad’, to take charge of your security at the local government level. So, you are safe because Gov. Yahaya Bello and Engr. Abdulrazaq Muhammad have both decided to sacrifice time, energy and resources to provide security for the people.”
Hon. Abdulrazaq appreciated Ummu’s sense of humour and assured her that government won’t rest but will continue do more to sustain peace in the state.
He tasked the little girl to take the gospel to others, especially her colleagues in school when they eventually resume.