Reps Race: Massive Acceptance as Omofaiye Tours Six Wards in Kabba-Bunu LGA

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The quality of a journey has to do with the people you are hoping to meet, the message to be delivered, the ability of the doer to throw light on the message and the value of his entourage.
Entourage embarks on this acceptance move and a monumental welcome of Omofaiye Includes; the ever supportive Kabba-Bunu APC chairman Hon. Olorunmosunle Elisha a.k.a Medusa.
Getting to Aiyetoro Kiri Ward, it was indeed a show of love and words of encouragement to go higher by the distinguished APC Ward Executives. . According to APC chairman in Aiyetoro Kiri Mr Ojo Adebayo, he sees Omofaiye as the one who is recognized for his good works and succinctly declared in his words “I have heard about you and love you even before meeting you” and therefore commended Omofaiye for his masses oriented Motions and importantly on staff entrenchment of College of Education Technical,Kabba-Bunu Local Government Area.
Iluke Ward also with warmness received Hon. Omofaiye, the man of the moment and did promised him for total support. Thanked him for his ever present in time of their needs and Mr. Olorunjuwon Gabriel a.k.a Obawonju, requested for an appointment for one of their own.
Akutupa Ward indeed was very happy and did received Omofaiye with love and joy. Chairman of the ward, Mr Mike Solomon, assured everybody that Akutupa will not for any reason betray Hon. Omofaiye.
The Youth Leader of Akutupa told the story of how Hon. Omofaiye took him as a son and in all ramifications agreed to his consistency, know-how and humility, to complement what the chairman of Akutupa has put forward and Mr. Sunday Agode(a leader of the ward) said, Hon. Omofaiye should not forget the ward when he wins.
Mr Oladele a.k.a Olusko in his assertion said, in the last 14-15 years, Hon. Omofaiye has been in the legislative business having serve under two legislators in the National Assembly, a former councilor and now representing Ijumu in Kogi State House of Assembly. He said over the years, Hon. Omofaiye has been able to gather more and more experience hence made him stand out amongst other aspirants.
Enough of appreciation in Olle-/Oke-Offin ward as Mr. Ogunsanmi Mathew a.k.a Senator. Chairman of the ward showered praises on Hon. Omofaiye for his humility and his ability to carry hisĀ  people along in his legislative duties. He said Omofaiye, has been steadfast in his style of canvassing for support, traveling down to wards that are nearly not accessible to consult with the grassroots.
At Ayede, Odo-Ape and Okebukun ward Excuse welcome the honourable home and did promise to fight for him till the end since his record breaking performance are still speaking in his favour and therefore encouraged him not to stop doing what he knows how to do best. They said, as a peace loving wards they respect the spirit behind rotation of electoral office and will queue behind Omofaiye from Ijumu and hope he reciprocate the support when a Bunu man aspires.
In all, honourable Omofaiye attended to all the questions thrown at him and promised not to disappoint himself by disappointing his constituency. He preached unity, saying the party is supreme and at such we should work relentlessly to deliver APC 2019 at all levels of governance.

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