Re: Kogi State Govt’s Clock-in, Clock-Out System

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I have just just read the 80-page advertorial of the Kogi State government in the Leadership newspaper of today,  26/10/2017. In it,  the names of civil servants and their pay for a particular month were published based on Clock-in and Clock-out system, introduced by the government recently. Under the system, civil servants are treated as construction company workers.  They are required to register their presence at work (clock-in)  at 8.00am, the fact of their stay at work (I don’t know what they call that) at 12.00pm and their closing from office at (clock-out).
Now,  see the absurdity of this system: firstly, if there is one clock-in and clock-out machine in an office where there are 100 workers,  how is it possible to get them clock-in and clock-out at the same time? Secondly,  sometimes, civil servants have reasons to go to other offices,  within or outside their posts to perform official functions. What happens to the clocking while they are away on such official duties?
It is, indeed, extremely distressing and shocking that such an awkward system would be used to determine what salary a worker earns at the end of the month in this 21st Century!
Governor Yahaya Bello (GYB) has undoubtedly committed many atrocious acts against Kogites, blundered and floundered, since becoming governor of Kogi State.  However,  this clocking system will surely go down as the most wicked,  thoughtless, inconsiderate and anarchronisitic measure devised by a clueless government. It is in fact the height of lunacy. Some kind of madness must be going on at Lugard House in Lokoja over there!
It appears GBY is determined to destroy everything that Kogi State stands for. Well, it is left for Kogites to decide if they will allow a lunatic to destroy their state for them.
Coming back to the the Leadership newspaper publication, GYB, in a prodigal manner took out an 80-page advertorial to publish a valueless and good-for-nothing report.  One can only imagine what prodigious sum the advertorial must have cost Kogi tax payers.
In civilised climes,  salaries are personal matters and not matters for reckless publication on pages of newspapers. And in the face of the current level of criminalties in Kogi,  kidnapping and armed robbery,  how appropriate is it to publish people’s salaries on the pages newspapers? It is the surest way of exposing people to avoidable dangers.  Our GYB knows nothing about this.
I shall go ahead to show you the wickedness of GYB, by randomly sampling the salaries of five workers as published in the Leadership newspaper :
1 Mr A.  
Net pay without clocking=N115,126.16
Net pay based on attendance (GNL) = N17,348. 17
2. Mr B. 
Net pay without clocking = N22,433.97
Net pay based on attendance (Govt) = N9,942.43
3. Mr C.
Net pay without clocking= 115,126.16
Net pay based on attendance (GNL)= N19,187.69
4. Mr D. 
Net pay without clocking =N104, 089.00
Net pay based on attendance  (Govt) = N0.00
5. Mr E
Net pay without clocking =N41,807.65
Net pay based on attendance (Gvt) =N4,645.29
This is one wicked way orchestrated by GYB to shortchange workers. The list in the Leadership newspaper contains the names of workers GYB claimed to have cleared, yet,  he must still invent a system to deprive them of their legitimate earnings.
The tragedy of Kogi State is the case of a clueless man foisted on the people without their consent. He never demanded for their votes and they gave him no mandate to rule them. However, the corrupt judicial system we run in this country,  including the highest court in the land,  the Supreme Court of Nigeria, that Kogites placed their hopes for succor and the leadership of All Progressive Congress (APC) facilitated his reign of terror.  God will bring all those who had hand in this wickedness and cheating all to judgment.
– Olusola Adebiyi

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