Re: APC Thugs Attack PDP Campaign Train at Okoro/Odokoro/Araromi Ward

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In the early hours of today, it was brought to the notice of the Media Team of the Administrator of Ijumu Local Government and Kogi State ALGON Chairman, Hon. Taufiq Isa, some baseless, unfounded, untrue statements and unproven allegation widely circulated by the SDM Campaign Organization about the Ijumu Administrator sending thugs to destroy campaign materials and unleashing violence on PDP campaign team and supporters at the Ward.

To set the records straight, I wish to use this medium to debunk the allegation, state unequivocally that the allegation was false, unfounded and needless but meant to smear his name and as well misinform the general public.

I therefore, call on all copied quarters and the public to disregard the misinformation in its entirety as nothing sort of that, lesser or unholy act emanated from the Administrator with or without his consent.

I need to point it out clearly here that the Administrator is a peace loving person and a gentle man to the core who would never engage in indecent practices.

As the Chief Security Officer of the Local Government, the Administrator has always ensured that orderliness, peaceful and harmonious coexistence remains one of his topmost priority. Hence, he calls on good and well meaning people of Ijumu Local Government and beyond to join hands with the government to install an everlasting peace.

I want to boldly caution the opposition to desist from peddling untrue statements and unfounded rumours about the Administrator and/or any of his associates as doing so is liable to prosecution in a court of law.

Othman Hamidu,
S. A Media to Ijumu Administrator.

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