PDP Corruption Reason Why Ajaokuta Steel is Not Working Today – Smart Adeyemi

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The multi-billion dollar steel complex in Kogi State is yet to realise its full potential to provide the people with employment and the world with requisite steel because of the corrupt nature with which it was sold off by the PDP administration while Alhaji Atiku Abubakar was Nigeria’s Vice President and Chairman of Bureau for Public Enterprises, BPE.

Candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) for Kogi West senatorial district for 2019 general election, Senator Smart Adeyemi made the revelation on Thursday in Kabba during the flag off of the party’s campaign rally.

He said the promise by Alhaji Atiku to sell off several national assets including the Ajaokuta Steel company if elected is an indication that the party’s agenda has not changed and they have not learnt their lessons from the negative impact their corruption tainted privatization policy has had on the country and its economy.

Sen. Adeyemi thanked the APC – led administration of President Muhammadu Buhari for pumping $1billion from Excess Crude Account (ECA) into the completion of the Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited (ASCL).

He said the decision has shown that the President is passionate about the country’s economy and potential of the steel complex and the completion of the Obajana – Kabba road project as policies that contribute to both the micro and macroeconomics of Nigeria to safeguard the future of the next generations.

“There is no doubt President Muhammadu Buhari is a man of integrity who is committed to ensuring that the long abandoned Ajaokuta Steel Company works for the people of the state and the country because of the huge economic potential it has.

“The completion of Obajana – Kabba road and Abuja – Lokoja – Ilorin road project is no doubt one of the noblest of projects by the administratration. We therefore have no choice than to support the President and follow him to the next level.”

He urged the people of Kogi West to back the administration of Governor Yahaya Bello for showing the political will to bring development to all parts of Kogi State including the senatorial district.

He mentioned some projects and key appointments made in the present administration in the state, including the Omi – Dam Project, the Kogi Green Farm, appointment of the SSG, commissioners, among other aides, as a demonstration of the love Governor Bello has for the area.

The APC candidate then called on the people to end the bad press about the area on regular basis by voting out thugs and brigands currently representing them for credible and refined individuals in the legislature.

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