Other Side of Okai Austin; Where the Writer Got it Wrong

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Kogi Reports on 20th May, 2020, published an article with the title, “Opinion: The Other Side of Okai Austin Usman”, written by one Onoja-Integrity Johnson.

Well, while I must be honest enough to commend the writer of the article for doing a nice job for his benefactor, I must categorically state however, that the article is a  product of extreme hyperbole with two intended effects to wit: To over rate Austin Okai on one hand and to downgrade Kogites on the other hand!

No, doubt, the author betrayed the good intention of his writing (if any) when he  began with the following words, “Once Okai stops speaking today, Kogi would die a natural death while we stand aloof as helpless onlookers.”

With due respect, there is no other better way of insulting Kogites than the way and manner the above expression was couched. So, in the opinion of the said writer, Kogi State is existing today only because Mr. Austin Okai is talking? Is Austin Okai the only one talking? What would make Kogi State to “die” today if Austin Okai stop talking? What is he even talking if I may ask?

By making the above unintelligent assertion, the writer of the said article indirectly established one indubitable fact to the effect that in his father’s house, only Austin Okai’s “FM” works there!

While Austin Okai may be very much pleased with the writer who obviously sacrificed truth on the altar of exaggeration from the very beginning of his writing, the writer himself must bear in mind that Austin Okai exists for himself and it is not our business to go on a voyage of discovery about “his other side”!

 S. O. Akobe is a Legal Practitioner, a Social Commentator and Poet.

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