Any President, Governor, Chairman or however she style herself that does not pay salary is a thief!
Any President, Governor, Chairman or however she styles herself that does not pay salary is mentally lazy.
Any President, Governor, Chairman or however she style herself that does not pay salary has lost its legitimacy, it is never a government of the people.
Any President, Governor, Chairman or however she style herself that does not pay salaries is spending blood money.
Such government is a thief, because it turns the workers to victims. The government rather than look for alternatives to raise revenue, prefers to steal from the workers and pensioners.
Such government is mentally lazy because it lacks what it takes to think, to strategize and to implement new measures to increase and boost the revenue of the state, therefore to cover up for the mental laziness and revenue incompetence, it deny the workers their due.
Such government has lost their legitimacy within its own people, because one of the core mandates of leadership and governance is to create jobs and increase employment not decrease it.
Such government is spending blood money because by denying workers and pensioners their due, they are killing them one by one. — They are not empowered to buy their drugs, their treatment and other health responsibilities, therefore for every death of a worker and pensioner— the blood is a stain on the neck of such government. No matter what project or expenditure such government prides itself with! They are all painted with the blood of workers and the pensioners.
It is indeed very sad — When we came together to form this APC one of our core reason of forming the party is to treat the workers with respect and give them their fair due, but this days it seems APC government has become masters of not paying salary— even over PDP!
It is very true that the Workers themselves are very passive, docile, corrupt and not united even to the extent of cowardice but still, Woe to the government that does not pay salaries, such government has little issues with men, but more to do With God. You shall never go free by suffering the innocent!
Woe to the government that does not pay salaries and pension!
It is better that it does not exist because in the end the stone that will be tied around their neck will be heavier than Mount Patti!
Hon. Adeyemi Abidemi Adebola
Provost Institute of Disabled Persons (iDP)
Minority Whip 2011-2015
Kogi State House of Assembly (Yagba West Constituency)
Member Kwame Nkrumah Research Institute