Opinion: Nigeria Democracy is Dead

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The presidential election has come and gone, but the process that gave rise to the declaration was nothing near what was enshrined in the electoral act as amended.

It therefore means irregularities, abuse of the rule of law and deviation from electoral guidelines were the order of the day.

Studying the trends of Nigeria elections so far in history, far back in the year 1923 when Nigeria had her first election and now, you would agree with me that there is no difference despite the claim that there was an amendment in the electoral act.

In my opinion: the only true change that has occurred over the years is the fact that Nigerians have realized that the power to choose a leader lies with them.

I must commend His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari for the role he has played to ensure free, fair and credible elections. An icon who decided to leave a legacy to be remembered for but of which few persons along the corridors of power decided to truncate for their own selfish ambition.

25th of February 2023 witnessed a massive turnout of voters who were ready to change the narrative in the political space but later came as a nightmare to Nigerians who had anchored their confidence on President Buhari’s promise.

Dejectedly, I can say our democracy is long dead; it will be a falsehood to lay claim that we still practice democracy in Nigeria when we have desperate leaders who could do anything to have their way into power not minding the will of the people.

The reports of the local and international observers further strengthen my premise that democracy is what we imagine in our minds but not the system of government we practice in Nigeria.

It is often said that “the judiciary is the last hope of the common man” but Nigerians seem to have lost confidence in our judiciary system since it is perceived they are used as an instrument to pave way for corrupt leaders in the corridors of power.

In other to redeem their image, we urge our judiciary to rise up to their responsibility as they discharge their constitutional duties without bias and compromise.

                            - Apeh Emmanuel Monday                                        Coordinator, APEH Health Talk Show.                                       presidentapehmonday@gmail.com

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