Opinion: Na Who ‘Mai Gaskiya’ Help?

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In the face of all these neglects and failures, pains and trauma, to imagine that Buhari and may be Atiku are the options we have for 2019 is the height of all our miseries.
(For this singular reason of not having viable alternative (s) for 2019. I beg you all to give me the responsibility of scouting for someone that will do our bidding and carry our burden).
The task ahead is enormous, the task before us is infuriating and inundating and we must act, we must do something.
Government can’t do all for us but in this our very clime, the people, the citizens have always done for themselves and assist more so in doing for the government.
The people will create their own education, provide their own amenities, government will just wallow in ineptitude and flex ignoble power on top doing nothing. We should call their bluff and confront their darkness.
This period is one known for celebration and total joy. But Nigerians are there grappling with the trauma of lack, work without pay and system that just doesn’t guarantee a safe haven.
The most luckiest government in the history of Nigeria is Buhari’s Government. Nigerians didn’t trouble him.
*It took him 6 months to have his ministers, they understood
*It took his regime to take us into recession, Nigerians responded and stood with him.
*People became poorer and beggars in their own country where plenty and surplus should be a necessity.
*He became sick and left the shores of this good country for months
Even while we the people didn’t know the ailment he suffered, He came back after recovery, we closed down the country to celebrate him. Isn’t Buhari a lucky president? Nigerians didn’t trouble him.
But alas, the time is nigh. Nigerians are beginning to see all these as fraud and an attempt to camouflage ineptitude with integrity, masquerading someone who doesn’t know how to make money to suppress the suffering of his citizens as someone who’s decent and virtues. “na who integrity help”?
Integrity has made over 7 million Nigerians loose their jobs.
How many actually have a decent job that over 7 million have been pulled out from the labour market into sorrow state because we have a president who just doesn’t act.
What’s the essence of your integrity when people – your citizens are poorer than when you came on board. You can not actually point to a  promissory project.
The only thing they keep saying and selling to us (since we are dummy and gullible) is baba is “mai geskiya”. What is the benefit of your gaskiya to me when your being gaskiya pulled me out of my job, destroy my education, killed my economy. Your integrity is not enough as long as there’s insecurity, killing and maiming, theft in high places, anarchy and nepotism.
Nigerians have been patient with you Buhari! They do not deserve any iota of suffering moving forward. The pains they faced is enough.
How can people surfer from the beginning of your time to the end.
*Is it a crime that they made a choice in your as against the supposedly corrupt One?
Is it a crime that Nigerians wanted a virtues man?
Is it a crime that Nigerians wanted an incorruptible?
Is a crime that Nigerians voted for an assumed poor man?
Is it a crime that Nigerians chose their future over their past?
What is the crime of the people that you have been so heartless and nonchalant.
You don’t care. You don’t apologize, you don’t talk to the people, you don’t see reason why Nigerians should know why they’ve been subjected to this high level pain and desertion.
You do not even take responsibility for any inconvenience the people are faced with daily. Inconvenience caused by your actions and inaction.
You don’t think Nigerians should know why things are not working?
After all, in the face of all your plunder and ineptitude, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was a better option.
Goodluck was corrupt, the people had surplus.
Goodluck was corrupt the people had jobs, in fact decent jobs.
Goodluck was corrupt the pain was not this heightened
I no longer subscribed to that gimmicks that had GEJ won, our economy would have crashed – it is a total misnomer and facade. Even if they stole, they’d have recycled the money back into the economy. That would have rejigged it and sustain it.
Which is even better corrupt but moralised and have citizens OR an incorruptible with very poor and demoralised citizens.
– Francis Henry Folaranmi
Writes from Lokoja

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