Open Letter to Natasha Akpoti

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Dear Natasha,

The incessant vituperation and publication of malicious information that lacked merit from a desperate fellow took another dimension when she exhibits hypocrisy and sheer ignorance via a doctored video of Suleiman Lawal, which went viral has once more attracted the attention of Kogi Central Media Crew who were known for fair and transparent reportage.

The arrest of two suspected killers of Ojo Enesi by the police as alleged by Ms Natasha Akpoti, of which was already established as a calculated plan and a deliberate attempt to smear the good reputation of focused and business minded Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, as well as the working Administrator of Okehi Local Government, Hon. Abdulraheem Ohiare whose interest is strictly on good governance as embedded in the New Direction Agenda of the State is not only malignant but meant to incite chaos and heat the polity.

Ms Natasha, you claimed in your write up to have spoken to the Commissioner of Police and requested to know if the investigation of the accused was carried out by a law court. Hey, “Barr. Natasha”, you should have known that in law, investigation of an offence allegedly committed is the work of security agencies. The court doesn’t conduct investigation, therefore, the State Police boss was right in his response after due investigations.

Ms Natasha, you should have known that in law, your being in possession of First Information Report (FIR) of an accused person(s) and making same public is in itself a breach of the law and a criminal offence, because no matter the information extracted, the accused is still presumed innocent until found guilty by a competent court of law. In this case, the information was obtained under duress and serious torture which was not only orchestrated to cause blackmail but in fulfillment of a well arranged script.

The Governor of a State is an exalted office, Ms Natasha as a student of law shouldn’t have descended so low and allowed her emotions and desperation to overtook her sense of reasoning by resorting to insults, blackmail and outright falsehood on the person of the Governor and the New Direction Team just to seek attention and cheap popularity. This is desperation taken too far, however, we need to make it clear for the umpteenth time that Governor Yahaya Bello has no time for petty issues.

Ms Natasha, you also alleged that, Okehi Local Government Administrator, Hon. AbdulRaheem Ohiare kidnapped and killed a Benue woman for ritual purposes. We would have ignored your lies but for unsuspecting members of the public, we make bold to say that your allegations amounts to nothing but lies from the pit of hell. Ms Natasha, tell us, when did this happen? Be reminded that recently, you were led on familiarization tour by this same person round the Local Governments in Kogi Central and as well sought for his support in your Senatorial bid. Hmm… What a shame!

Just because your application to cook Ebira local delicacies for the Police high Command was rejected, you resorted to insults and blackmail. The State Commissioner of Police we understood is a fully bred professional and experienced police Officer.

– Abdullahi Abubakar 
For: Kogi Central Media Crew.

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